❝ Stop! You have violated the law! Pay the court a fine or serve your sentence.❞ [Trond, of course]

The Khajiit’s brows rose, cocking his head a tiny fraction under his hood.

“If the crime is being too devilishly handsome, I’m afraid that’s your problem, mate.”

“This one? This one is dishonest.” [Jo’Raya]

J’hasi sighed, swiping over his mouth with the back of his hand before looking back at the guardsmen still searching for a certain someone.

“Uh huh…can see that…” His tail tip quirked, then he shrugged a little, almost as if to himself before he jerked a thumb towards some crates stacked behind the fishery.

“Easy way up, scenic. Good place for someone inclined towards dishonesty.”

11 & E?

11. How do they cope with confusion (seek clarification, pretend they understand, etc)?

Depends on the situation. If J’hasi’s tryna get into some place he’s not supposed to be in (aka if he’s stealing something, tryna sneak into some place for information, posing as a distraction for a partner in crime, etc), he’ll just roll with it with hardly missing a beat. He’s fairly good at improv on the spot, and letting a target ramble on often gives him more information so he can better fake that he’s supposed to be here, oh would you mind directing me to this person who works nowhere near this important door you’re supposed to be guarding hmm yes, I get rather lost…

With friends he’s comfortable with J’hasi will ask for clarification, just to make sure he’s not misunderstanding. Those he’s not so close with he’ll go quiet and listen to them go on and maybe some point along the line he’ll understand. If he still doesn’t understand, he’ll kinda do a recap like: ‘so we do X and Y, then we go to Z?’ to see if that’s what friendo was meaning, while posing as sort of a TL;DR explanation of the situation. When it’s business it’s similar to this, though he’s more of the ‘cut to the chase’ kind of guy when it comes to merc or bounty work.

If it’s someone he doesn’t like (*COUGHCOUGH*ICARUS*COUGH*), then he just ignores them or gives some sort of insult or quip. Even better if he calls them something insulting in a language he knows but they don’t, because now THEY’RE confused, how do you like them tables turned?

E) Are they someone you would get along with? Would they get along with you?

Me and J’hasi would get along p well I think. We have similar interests and we both enjoy time spent with other people in similar fashions. Actually having J’hasi as a roommate would be pretty good for me, get me out of the house and find some forest or park to walk around in. Would be good until he started darting after rabbits. He’d probably need a child leash.

J’hasi would probably be alright with me. A little pissy and stubborn when it came time to talk about things that upset him or trying to solve some sort of emotional issue, but by and large he’d be alright with me. He’d probably get super pissed if he found out all the bad crap in his life happened because I said so, but maybe he would be a little gentler about killing me if I told him I made his story a little less awful on such a consistent level. I gave him friends and family that he genuinely loves! He’s no longer a born and raised killer! Though Shadows tried to do that with him but like…c’mon, conflict drives a story, man…

How would they react to suddenly being hugged?

J’hasi likes hugs. But only when given by people he trusts to some extent. A stranger is likely to get an elbow somewhere unpleasant and thrown to the ground with a Khajiit ready to fight standing over them, mistaking the hug as an attack or an attempt to restrain him.

A new friend is likely surprise, jumping a little, maybe seeming a little alarmed, but if nothing bad happens, then he’ll slowly relax, but be just a little tense in his gut, that lingering ‘what if?’ keeping him from accepting it completely. He might return it slowly, but it varies on the time he’s known the person and the trust he has in them.

A well-known friend to a best friend sort of area, he practically melts into their arms, returning it wholeheartedly and playing with their hair or running his hands over their back or shoulders, usually resting his head on their heart if he can, otherwise putting his chin over their shoulder and fully embracing them. Lots of purring. Him happy. It’s all good things when he trusts someone and they hug him.

J’hasi is a massive slut for hugs, but lack of trust in any living and mutually-feeling people means he’s usually anxiously standing in the corner and watching all the other kids hug it out.


Trond’s face softened from suspicion at Ghost’s antics to pride, puffing out his chest. It wasn’t the sort of information he usually chose to share, for fear that somebody with a grudge against guardsmen might use it to their advantage, but with the festive atmosphere there didn’t seem any harm in admitting the connection.

‘Aye, that’s her. Joldi’s her name. You won’t find a better baker in Skyrim, if I do say so myself.’ In a rare bout of magnanimity, and with the taste of J’hasi’s shared mead still on his tongue, he added, ‘Tell her I sent you. Might give you a discount.’

The Khajiit giggled, both from drink and Ghost’s breath puffing on his ear.

“Alright, I will. Hopefully she has more of those uh… I forgot what they were called…” J’hasi paused, trying to remember before shrugging it off. He’d know what they looked like. Or how they smelled. Or tasted… Something. Ghost huffed dejectedly, certain that any hope of possible treats had dashed away. The Khajiit patted her neck, smiling up at the mare.

“Ah well. M’sure that most of what she’s got is good, if your guardsmanship skills are required. Proper security for the quality of goods and all that.”

boarchasers replied to your post : boarchasers replied to your post : A3?((*sound of…

((If I can get my writing mojo back I am 100% up for this.))


boarchasers replied to your post : A3?

((*sound of Trond yelling ineffectually from the distance*))

[Honestly at this point I’m hankerin’ for a good ol’ Oblivion-Era rp purely out of desire for thief/guard shenanigans.]



[This is the most J’hasi expression of the lot and I AM HERE FOR IT]

New Years Kiss [From a Scamp, probably. Why they chose to pick on poor J’hasi I don’t know.]

J’hasi was more than a little surprised to get a massive tongue slicked from the side of his neck all the way up to the top of his head, leaving his fur stuck up in odd angles and his face set in a mildly-bewildered expression as he turned to be face-to-face with a happily-churring guar. Said guar had mazte on the breath, and immediately made the Khajiit jealous.

“<Where th’ell didja get mazte? Give meee shome!>” he huffed, opening the guar’s mouth even wider, as if expecting to find a bottle or two just laying inside.

“Hold still!”

“I’m not moving. It doesn’t even really hurt that much.” The Khajiit looked back down at the snake winding her body around his wrist, fangs sunk into his hand. J’hasi frowned, giving her nose a little prod.

“She must’ve smelled food on me or something, that’s all. My mistake for not washing my hands enough after gutting a kill.” The snake eventually let go, huffing at the Khajiit’s prods to her nose, then returned to quietly flicking her tongue out to taste the air. J’hasi shifted her to his other arm, allowing her to wind around that wrist instead while he pressed a scrap of cloth to the bite.

“She’s not that venomous, so it’s fine.”

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