
‘Aye, that’s as maybe, but don’t think I won’t do my duty if I see somebody violating the law.’

Having made his stern warning, and deciding that it was all his duty required of him for now, Trond took a long drink from the tankard and relaxed slightly. It was good to have something warming in his hands, what with the chill in the air. Not quite enough to make him smile at his occasional adversary, but no point in rushing things. Now all he had to do was remember how people made small talk without the protection of a shield and helmet.

‘Entering any of the competitions this year? Seem to recall you didn’t think your, uh, friend there was much of a racer last time.’

J’hasi was busying himself rubbing down the mare’s jaw and neck, Ghost closing her eyes as she enjoyed the attention with a whisk of her tail.

“She’s not the fastest, but I might just for fun. I didn’t get a chance to join the archery contest last year, so I’m trying to stay a little bit more sober this time around. Trying being the key word. The mead they make for the festival is too good to completely pass up.” The Khajiit smiled at the Nord, the mischievous gleam to his eye gone, and leaving a genuine, almost happy expression in its place.

“Anything that catches your eye in the contests, or are you going to give the food and drink a vigorous quality testing?” he asked, Ghost snorting into his mane and puffing it up with her hot breath.

boarchasers replied to your post : “Wait, where did you get that?” [Trond][calm down…

To risk it, or not to risk it? With a gift of mead involved, it was barely even a decision. Trond took the tankard with a less severe glare than usual. ‘Think you’re funny, citizen? Think again. And… thanks.’

The Khajiit’s grin widened, but he seemed at ease. Not drunk yet, but judging by his apparent lighthearted mood, he was on the way.

“I’m hilarious. Don’t know what you’re talking about. Glad to see that you got this festival off, enjoy the festivities without having to duck and hide from your commander.” He giggled when Ghost quietly approached, then nudged his shoulder, then turned to lipping at his ear.

“After all, a festival isn’t a festival unless you can relax and enjoy it properly.”

“Wait, where did you get that?” [Trond][calm down Trond it’s a festival]

J’hasi grinned, pushing the tankard full to the brim of mead into the Nord’s hands, the lingering tingle of enticing spice nibbling at his nose.

“I totally stole this. Enjoy.” he teased, his grin widening and eyes glinting with mirth.


‘Ah, his favourite kind of crime,’ said Haaki, with a knowing nod. ‘Seriously, don’t take it personally. He’s only doing his job. He just gets a bit… overzealous, sometimes.’

Haaki considered. On the one hand, the hint of admittance that J’hasi had given the guard cause to arrest him on more than one occasion implied that he might not be the best connection a person could make, and in any case Haaki had his own personal reservations about the thought which had crossed his mind. On the other, his new acquaintance seemed friendly, and anyone who had endured Trond deserved some kind of compensation.

He made up his mind and jerked a thumb towards the Bannered Mare.

‘Can I buy you a drink to make up for it? Or one of those goods of the sweet and sugary sort, if that’s your poison. So to speak.’

The Khajiit chuckled.

“Nah, the drink’s fine. Contrary to what your brother seems to think, I haven’t much of a sweet tooth.” J’hasi’s tail curled, accompanying Haaki to the inn, relaxing a little more now that the guardsmen were either clustering around the excitement of the arrest, hoping to get some sort of credit, or trying to make themselves appear vigilant and ready while still relaxing at their posts. Either way, they were less likely to harass him now, and the offer of a drink had lightened his mood somewhat. It wasn’t often such kindness was extended by strangers, and even less often without the accompanying scent of ulterior motives hanging about them.

J’hasi held the door open for his new acquaintance, offering a lopsided smile.

“I ‘preciate the generosity, I could honestly use a stiff drink right about now. Think m’tail’s about to freeze off.”


‘Aye, he likes to keep his job and his personal life separate. He didn’t mean anything by it. Probably.’

Either Haaki didn’t realise he was flagrantly breaking Trond’s rule of not mixing personal and professional life, or, as was more likely, he didn’t care. He watched the last guardsman hurry around the corner with idle interest.

‘And no. No, he doesn’t. So I take it you must’ve seen him in a, uh… professional capacity, then?’ He grinned. ‘Don’t worry. Me and Trond are… very different. I’m not going to haul you up to Dragonsreach or anything.’

The Khajiit grinned.

“Well good, I’m not sure you’d be up for the challenge. I prefer to make my arrests interesting for the guard, keep ‘em on their toes.” he teased, the tip of his tail curling in amusement.

“He hasn’t put me in shackles or anything, no. I think he’s just trying to find a crime to pin on me that doesn’t require much paperwork after the arrest. Or confiscating ‘stolen goods’ of the sweet and sugary sort.”

🍎, 📲, and 👁‍🗨 ?

🍎- For something they secretly wish did exist

The Khajiit sighed, rubbing his face.

“I’m no good at these sort of questions…” His head dropped back, leaning on the cool stone wall he was enjoying the shade of, thinking with his eyes shut. He rubbed the back of his neck as his head dropped back down with another sigh.

“I guess…some sort of peace between people. Not just between races, but between individuals too. I just…I really hate seeing people hurt each other for stupid reasons. I’ve seen more than I care to.”

📲- Talk about someone/something you dislike, but only pretend to like

J’hasi looked physically uncomfortable, fidgeting with the edges of his bandages over his hands.

“Um… Hist, this sounds really terrible without context… I really…really am not alright with young children ever since…” He swallowed, looking down, ears flicking back.

“I don’t mind them as much when they’re behaving and somewhat quiet, but when they screech and dart around…” The Khajiit swiped over the back of his mouth quickly, the white spots of his ears flushing a light pink.

“I’ll be kind to them and sometimes play if they wish, but…I really…do not like playing tag with them. It’s…it’s too much for my…condition…”

👁‍🗨- Talk about someone/something you like, but pretend to dislike

He huffed.

“What’s the point of liking something and pretending otherwise? I like warm fireplaces, I’ll purr if I want to! I like fish and milk and that’s no ones’ business but my own!” J’hasi folded his arms crossly, ears flattened to the sides of his head.

“It’s stupid, somehow being ashamed of something that brings you happiness. Hist knows there’s little enough of it to be had in the first place, why ruin it?”


Haaki nodded at a few of the people milling away from the scene, now that the action of the chase was over and daily life waiting to be resumed, before returning his attention to J’hasi.

‘He’s in the guard. Trond Boar-Chaser. Sorry, I should’ve introduced myself first.’ He extended a hand. ‘Haaki. Um, Haaki Boar-Chaser. Obviously.’

The Khajiit rose a brow before taking the offered hand, giving a small shake.

“J’hasi. And condolences. Met Trond a time or two, didn’t even know his name until his wife told me.” Was it his wife? He’d been plastered last New Life, which considering his tolerance, was a miracle the inn had enough drink to allow that. He leaned back on the stone wall behind him, keeping a curious, but watchful eye on the guardsmen in case they decided to pin the crime on him instead after all.

“Considering his uh…’dedication’ to his job, I don’t suppose he cuts you any slack, does he?”

boarchasers replied to your post : ❝ I’m glad that’s done. I need a nap. ❞ [Haaki]

‘No, I just need to prepare for my brother going on about it later. He won’t shut up about it for at least a week.’

The Khajiit frowned.

“Uh…so who’s your brother? Or are strangers immune from hearing about it?”

How long would they last in a zombie apocalypse?

J’hasi would last as long as he wanted. Stress on the wanting part. If he doesn’t have anyone left and no way to cure people, there isn’t a whole lot going for him. He’s good at surviving, but if he’s just going to live the rest of forever by himself with no hope of anything good happening, either an end or finding someone else alive and cognitive enough to enjoy talking to, he doesn’t see much of a point.

Even if its just some kids that managed to survive, he’d adopt them in a heartbeat and get them whatever supplies they needed and teach them and yeah den mother J’hasi lmao

❝ I’m glad that’s done. I need a nap. ❞ [Haaki]

J’hasi frowned, cocking a brow at the stranger.

“Does day-to-day drama really tire you out that much?” Granted, he was glad that he wasn’t being grilled for a nonexistent confession, the actual thief being marched off to Dragonsreach, but did people really find watching such things entertaining?

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