Under Saarthal – Icarus/J’hasi


Icarus jerked backwards when he felt what felt like metallic thread yank from behind his neck. Whatever it was, it snapped after an uncomfortable amount of pressure against his throat.“What in th-” The justiciar exclaimed as he spun around to see–

The Khajiit.

And an amulet in its hands.

Specifically his calian that was supposedly from his father.

The Altmers pupils shrunk to a pinprick as he slowly approached the thieving bastard, ripping the amulets from its paws.

The chain was broken.

The son of a bitch broke the godsdamned chain.

Icarus went incredibly quiet for a moment, observing the damage. Seconds later, his hate-ridden eyes zeroed in on the Khajiit.

“I do believe I made my self very clear as to what would happen to you should you try and pickpocket me again…” The justiciar seethed through a display of teeth. One hand had a tight clutch on the charm, the other had flames roaring from his palms.

“I’m giving you three seconds to start running, cat.”

J’hasi looked up, startled by the sudden grab, the tone, the flames and the-

Oh, fuck.

The Khajiit booked it, hearing roaring fireballs launched at him shortly after, striking the snow as he barely dodged, one grazing his scarf and setting it ablaze, tumbling in a roll to put it out. The snowstorm was picking up, so maybe it would help him lose the whelp, but he wasn’t counting on it. As it was he was barely keeping on top of the deeper drifts, gasping in pain and for breath as he scrambled over snow and rock, cursing that thrice-damned draugr and it’s fucking icicles.

He yelped when he landed in a deeper drift, buried before scrambling out best he could, further and further off the relatively shallow snows of the path.

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