astarill replied to your post : ✔✔

[Scaring the cat with the suspicious interests is the highlight of Astarill’s college days.]


tagged by: sorta by @hisownway


name: J’hasi (has a Black Marsh name but doesn’t tell people it)
age: 227 as of 4E201
your favorite picture of your muse’s fc: Actually don’t use faceclaims, but the pic for J’hasi’s avatar is the closest I’ve ever been to properly portraying his face.


what would be their twitter name? what sorts of tweets would they tweet?
The only reason J’hasi would get a Twitter is because Maarzi makes him one. She would give him the handle ‘SweetFang’ and doesn’t tell him how to change it. He’ll (eventually) figure it out, but then won’t know what to change it to.

As for stuff he would tweet, it wouldn’t be often, but it’s usually food. Food he’s excited about eating, food that he wants to try, and food that wasn’t so great. It almost serves as a record of his eating habits and what he does and doesn’t like. He’ll sometimes post pictures of neat pictures he takes of wherever he is, usually early morning or late at night. He is very enthusiastic about taking pictures of the stars in the sky and dislikes taking pictures in the city.

what’s their favourite genre of movies? of music?
He likes adventure, science fiction, and horror movies. He doesn’t like zombie or (proper) vampire movies though, they’re too scary for him and he will latch onto whoever is watching with him and try to hide his face best he can. He doesn’t usually cry, but it sounds like he does the instant he gets scared.

Music, he’ll listen to pretty much anything provided the lyrics don’t make him uncomfortable. He tends to avoid rap for this reason, dislikes country entirely, and anything with screaming has to be very minimal or he dislikes it too. His favorite is probably smooth electronica/techno, rock, and nearly anything with a good beat he really likes. Examples because reasons: [ X ] [ X ] [ X ] [ X ] Note that this is a very small selection because when I say he listens to everything, I mean everything. If you give him stuff he doesn’t outright dislike, chances are he’ll like it.

what’s on their top queue on Netflix?
If you mean stuff he watches, a lot of it is cartoons, movies he’s been suggested to watch. Lots of kids’ movies. Sometimes it’s a TV series since he doesn’t like to watch TV in itself except for background noise and light if he can’t put on movies instead. Nature documentaries, ocean, volcanoes, space, all the good stuff he watches a lot. Usually when he watches Netflix it’s to binge on his things to watch, then he won’t touch it for a while if left to his own devices.

what’s their favourite scent? do they smell like that?
J’hasi both in his normal !verse and modern!TES is very sensitive to smells because of his wolf blood, so he doesn’t like strong smells of anything. As for smells he likes, usually the people he’s close to he likes their scents. Jeer-rah’s is almost like fresh ground black pepper, old-growth forest, and…well if you’ve ever smelled a snake or a lizard, that sort of scent. Maarzi tends to smell like warm caramelized sugar, sometimes brown sugar, clean cotton/linen, and sweat. Other scents J’hasi likes, petrichor is first on the list. Rain in a forest, ultimate favorite scent. Wood, whether it’s a log rotting in the forest or sanded and brought in like a table, water, lots of natural scents.

J’hasi in his normal !verse does smell like forest (among other things), but in modern!TES he smells more like fur and whatever laundry detergent/dryer sheets he’s using. When he’s working or done working he smells very different obvs, but typically he doesn’t have much of a distinguishing scent.

apple or android?
Android. The widgets are useful to him and he can afford it, and he can use whatever cables he wants, which is good because he somehow keeps managing to find micro-usbs everywhere? Where are they coming from? Who knows. But an Android lets him organize his phone how he likes, and he writes his own apps sometimes if he finds he needs something specific and he either can’t afford it or can’t find it at all.

favourite season? least favourite season?
J’hasi loves fall. One of the natural scents he loves is the smell of dry fallen leaves, or when it rains on them, all good shit. Plus it’s not as hot as the summer and he can say goodbye to bugs that annoy him, even if the bugs he likes vanish as well :c

He doesn’t like winter very much, but it’s a very much a hot-and-cold sort of feeling about it. His seasonal depression hits him hard and when it gets really cold he’s miserable, but when it’s not so frigidly freezing and he’s playing in the snow with his friends he likes it a little more. His second least favorite is spring because it’s just…all mud and gross melting slush and…yuck…no thank you…

are they a bottom or top or versatile?
If he ever did sexytimes, J’hasi would be a switch. Whether he bottoms or tops is up to how he feels that day. Typically low-energy days or if he’s upset he’d rather bottom, and when he’s feeling more okay then he wouldn’t mind topping. Since it would take an extraordinary amount of trust for him to bottom (which is what he usually prefers), that if is a very small chance that stuff like that would happen period. If it’s just smooches though (not that he would admit it) he likes being surrounded or pressed against something by whoever he’s being smooched by (again…lots of trust for that to happen). It makes him feel a bit more safe and grounded.

describe their morning routine. Do they wake up early or sleep in? do they press the snooze button a bunch of times or do they immediately get up?
In modern!TES, typical days J’hasi wakes up and either lays in bed for a bit or gets up and does something while he waits for his brain to fully wake up. He’s quiet and doesn’t talk much other than small noises, if at all. He gets up when he can afford to get up, usually by 7-9 he’s up. When it’s close to that time of the month and his sleep is getting worse, he’ll be up 9-10, if he sleeps at all. The more tired he is, the longer he chills in bed trying to wake up. If he’s not up by a certain time Maarzi will usually come in to check on him and harass him a little to get him to get up.

Normal !verse, he wakes up early if he can, later if he’s been drinking, and he’ll lay there for a little bit to get his bearings before getting up and getting ready for the day. His sleep is almost always crap, which worsens his general mood the closer he gets to that time of month.

if they were to be compared to a canon character, who would that be?
…I dunno? I haven’t really found anyone that really reminds me of him. Plus like…he changes a lot over the periods I rp him, so I can’t really say just one character and it would work for all of his lifetime.

tag five people so they can get to know their muse too: If u want to do, u do too uwu

Magnus rises in the Atronach


Well? What was he waiting for? Astarill sighed, silently. He knew better than to make a show of it. The Khajiit may not be his student, but he was a student. Nervous little twit though he may be, he was to be treated with due respect. He posed a good enough teacher to know pressing the apprentice would not have a beneficial effect in this instance.

So he refrained from commenting and simply waited, until the Khajiit began his summoning. A breath, a moment’s concentration, and Astarill’s eyes lit up with the soft glow of a Mage Eye spell. Streams of magicka pervaded the colourless landscape of his vision, translating, visualizing and clarifying the apprentice’s botched attempt. Except it wasn’t botched, was it?  

He blinked and in doing so dismissed his own spell. “Were you born in Sun’s Dusk, by any chance?”

J’hasi’s ears cocked as he looked up at the mer, confusion on his face as he paused in rubbing his fingers, trying to get rid of the weird feeling in them under the leather.

“Y…yeah. The eighth…” A pause, dropping eye contact for a moment as the Khajiit thought the question over, only to increase his confusion when he looked back up.

“But what does that have to do with…?” he asked, unsure what to call his problem aside from ‘fucking up’. He settled for gesturing vaguely, teeth grit a little in a wince for lack of a better phrasing, ears flicking back as that sick feeling rose up in his throat again.

[ 3, 5, 8! ]


Has their magic ever hurt anyone by mistake?

Not seriously, no. Yet. When he was little he accidentally burned Shadows once when he tried showing him he could make fire in his hands, and once or twice Jeer got nipped by fire when J’hasi had a fit over something, but nothing that required more than a little cool water. Hurting himself is a different story, but that’s because he tries to make sure that the spells work on himself first before attempting to cast them on anyone else. It’s not often he gets stuff to work on himself.


What is their favourite spell?

One of the only spells he actually got any good at casting (and after getting used to it, of course) was levitation. It was only after he and Shadows had to climb up and down the ‘hallway’ that led up the tower in Tel Fyr a few times (because Shadows didn’t trust that ‘skooma-sucking addict’ that gave J’hasi levitation potions to use), and then learning that he had to talk to a lot of Telvanni…who also had the same architecture to their buildings…who may send them on more errands for their votes…

Shadows stuck with climbing up and down the shafts, but J’hasi put time and energy into learning levitation, and once he got over the weirdness of what seemed to be walking on solid air, he liked to use it for situations other than the wizards’ protest against stairs. Like getting up higher in trees. Or a window. Or on top of a building where you can’t hear your brother yelling at you to get down here so I can yell at you for using magic again.



How does your mage get along with other mages?

Depends on the mage, sometimes the circumstances. It’s more or less like getting along with anyone else, really. If they’re a dick, he’s generally not going to like them, if they’re friendly, he’ll usually like them. Too friendly and he’s looking for the door.

Mages that make nuisances of themselves (like the ones setting up shop in caves and crypts and the like and letting undead creations or magical experiments run rampant) are pretty much akin to bandits if they’re the sort that kidnaps or captures travelers for furthering whatever research they’re working on. Usually the only time he meets these sorts of mages is on contract, so you can imagine how well that goes.

He’s alright with necromancers assuming the first time he meets them they aren’t surrounded by walking corpses, but then again any interaction surrounded by an undead audience is going to be a wee bit uncomfortable.

☼, ✉, ☠

☼ Personality

“At first I thought he just enjoyed tormenting students, but now I’m not so sure. It’s like trying to reach into a rormasu’s mouth to retrieve a fish. One wrong move, and SNAP! But if you’re careful, and know the signs of when it’s going to bite, you can retrieve the fish without losing your hand.

…I’ve never been stupid enough to try that, but I’ve seen others who have.”

✉ Intelligence

“If the vocabulary and the fact that he’s a professor at the College of Winterhold wasn’t indicator enough…he’s a mage. You have to be pretty smart if you’re a mage that’s lived as long as he has. From what I’ve seen, dumb mages don’t live very long.”

☠ Battle Prowess

“…I don’t really want to think about it. He’s a necromancer, he’s already intimidating, especially with those eyes of his… And even with just words he…” The Khajiit shook his head, eyes flicking down to the floor.

“I’m sure he’s a force in himself in combat. I don’t need to see it.”


He’d been stacking corks, one after another into a lopsided tower, drunk enough that the Cyrodilic on the pages of his spellbook were blurry lines of ants, too fuzzy to try reading anymore. The Khajiit didn’t recognize the scent in his nose for a few moments, tail swishing behind him in determination to get the last four to stack without falling over. When he did recognize the scent he started a little, ears pricking as he looked over at the mer next to him. The fur on his tail puffed slowly, the rest of him silent and still before he finally spoke, boozy words slurred and heavily accented.

“Yer like a ghosht… Sh-*HIC*ergh…shhhpooky ghosht…” J’hasi frowned a little, eyes flicking to the mer’s soft hair, fingers twitching on the surface of the cork still in his grasp.

“Shoft ghosht…” he murmured, shifting a little to ask if he could touch, but losing his balance and sliding right off the stool to the floor with a thump. He groaned.


[ ☤: a memory of death/loss ]

4E 171, Cyrodiil

Another crash, heat billowing in as the tunnels crumbled more, mortar hissing between the stones to color them ashen. J’hasi coughed, shaking his head as he pulled his scarf up over his nose better, feeling Baht blindly grope for his tail to lead him. The Khajiit gripped his sword tighter, keeping his head low as he heard the sounds of battle upstairs where the Thalmor had breached the interior. He could hear the newer recruits’ shaky breathing alongside the unsteady veterans’ as he fought to keep his own smooth and calm. Small skirmishes he’d long been accustomed to, but it was like the Battle of Bruma, or the invasion of the Imperial City all over again, except…except Daedric banishments would be of little use.

The sound of barked Altmeris prompted J’hasi to press on further, only able to smell the dust and fear in the tunnels. His hands and legs were shaking, licking his lips and tasting dust as his eyes caught the familiar bend in the tunnel before they would be outside, safe. …hopefully.

“Up ahead, quickly.” he whispered. He felt Baht squeeze his tail in response, his hand shaking. They’d nearly gotten to the bend when the howling wail of another fireball sailing for the Temple made Baht freeze, J’hasi looking back to prompt him to keep moving. The fireball struck the walls, another shuddering rumble rippling through the old stone and mortar. Part of the ceiling collapsed behind them, the Khajiit hissing at the others to keep moving, seeing light filtering through from above. They had to move quickly before the tunnel was found.

It was only once they were outside that J’hasi could see the damage wrought on the place he’d called home for a while now, fires blazing over old Akaviri architecture, walls blasted open, the blood of Blades and Thalmor alike staining it and the snow around it, bodies littered about. It made his legs shake, making it hard to breathe before he pulled Baht forward, ushering the recruits ahead.

Of course it was too easy to just let them get away, lead the recruits away from a battle they weren’t at all prepared for.

A fireball struck the trunk of a tree, far too close to the Khajiit’s head for comfort, turning around and spotting a few of those dark-robed bastards and others in golden Elvish armor. He pushed Baht ahead, turning to face them.

“GO! Run!” he snapped, turning to bare his fangs at the mer rushing him. The scent of steel and iron, blood brought him back down from the fear making him tremble, a normal battle, combat he was used to, practiced movements day after day in the Temple courtyard, against other Blades for a bet, or as punishment, and eventually, wooden dummies when the Blades there knew better than to fight him.

It never got any easier, but it was familiar.

One slash cut right through robes, the mage startled when he turned to fight them so quickly and crying out in pain before scarlet soaked the cloth darker, staggering back. Another mage tried to use a shock spell, only for it to just tingle, another sending blazing pain through his arm and rendering it useless for precious moments, but he lunged at them, the tip of his blade sinking into their stomach and out the back. It was by then that the ones in armor caught up, ducking back to avoid a swing of a greatsword, bringing up his twitching arm, the blade glancing off the steel bands over his forearm, but bruising and leaving it feeling hot and unsteady.

His tail whipped behind him, snarling before slamming his shoulder into the mer’s stomach, knocking them both into the snow, tumbling, disoriented, a slice on the Khajiit’s cheek appearing when the greatsword nicked him. When they finally stopped at the bottom of the hill, he took his blade in both hands and drove the edge down over the mer’s throat, seeing shock and surprise, fear, before blood sprayed out from their neck and splattered over their skin, the Khajiit’s face and armor.

J’hasi flattened out over the body to avoid a roar of flame, catching the scent of burning cloth behind him and rolling over into the snow, putting out his scarf. He staggered a little while getting up, still a little dizzy as the two other armored mer and the last mage came at him. The Khajiit took deep breaths as they ran to him, darting to the side of the mage, swiping their dagger from their hip before stabbing them in the kidney with it, shoving them down the hill before blocking one of the armored Thalmor’s swings with his sword. He ducked, shoving the blades up when the other armored mer ran at him with a warhammer, the two of them hitting each other with a screech of metal before backing away.

In the brief seconds that followed, J’hasi kicked at the legs of one, throwing the dagger at the mage struggling to aim a spell at him below, striking their side with a thump. A brief moment when a Thalmor snatched the edge of his scarf caught him off-guard, a sharp slice of his sword and he was free, running up into the mountains and trees, heart racing. He could hear the remaining two huffing, trying to keep up with him, his own lungs and limbs burning with fatigue and strain, unused to wearing heavy armor for so long. When he finally caught up with the recruits, he was gasping, seeing Baht spot him and rush to him, shaking.

“J-J’hasi, y-you okay?” he asked, his ‘s’ a hiss in his panicked state. The Khajiit pat him on the shoulder.

“Fine. W…we need to move. Bolar, scout ahead, make sure there aren’t more ahead trying to cut us off.” Velyn started, eyes wide.

“We got more incoming.” J’hasi turned to see the two he’d left behind, as well as a few archers, arrows already being drawn.

“Archers! Move!” he barked, hearing the creaks of bowstrings before sharp hisses, one sinking into his side, dinging against a Breton’s shield, Velyn’s armor…and one diving right through Baht’s armor and into his stomach.

The next few seconds seemed like an eternity, yet an instant. Blood dribbled from the Saxhleel’s mouth, eyes wide as he staggered back, not quite sure what had happened to him just yet. J’hasi ran to him, grabbing his arm, trying to get him to move, get him out of range. Baht’s steps were fumbling, slow, the Khajiit straining to keep him upright, keep him moving. Another volley, recruits screaming as they were shot or saw their friends dropping to the ground, dead, Velyn trying to get them to keep running.

J’hasi pulled Baht along, surprised when the Saxhleel suddenly fell on top of him with a huff, the scent of blood filling his nose. The Khajiit struggled to get out from underneath him, pushing him onto his back, eyes lighting up with fear when he saw the Thalmor closing in on them. The pounding in his chest grew too painful, gasping sharply before a series of cracks and snaps erupted from his body, claws swiping at the bindings of his armor, trying to get them off before he could be crushed inside his own armor. His short gasps turned into sharp snarls, his scarf slipping off of his neck as it grew thicker, the Khajiit almost feeling sick with how quickly he was rising up. He saw a flash of Baht’s face, fear in his eyes before the Thalmor made sounds of panic, and the wolf rushed in, full force.

J’hasi’s limbs shook with exhaustion and the fading rage as he walked through the torn bodies of the dead soldiers, collapsing into a heap next to the Saxhleel still breathing, still whimpering with pain and fear, trying to push himself away. The Khajiit puffed out a few breaths before hushing the Argonian.

“S’alrigh’…s’…s’fine… Baht. Baht, look at me.” His ears flicked back when Baht shook his head, jaw trembling, unable to make much noise other than whimpering. J’hasi looked over his body, seeing and smelling the blood from the wound in his stomach, but also blood pooling from underneath him. He let out a low curse. Had it gone all the way through?

“<Baht, I need you to talk to me, okay? I’m gonna get ff-that arrow out, and fff-then we’re gonna have to move, alright?>” The Argonian shivered, hand shaking as it grabbed at the snow under him.

“<I-I-I c-can’t feel m-mm-my legs.>” J’hasi’s blood went cold, realizing that while his arms were trying to push at the snow to move him, his legs, his tail…they were still. He pulled Baht onto his side, spotting an arrow that had gone right between the plates of his armor into his back at an odd angle. The Khajiit grit his teeth, then snapped the shaft off, Baht yelping before he pushed him onto his back again. He pat the Argonian’s face, trying to keep his eyes open.

“<Listen to me. I’m going to get you out of here, okay? Baht?>” The Saxhleel was looking at him, throat convulsing as he kept swallowing, blood trickling out of the corner of his mouth, from his nose, panting and whimpering, tears streaking down his cheeks as a shaky hand grabbed a handful of his fur. J’hasi shivered, his vision blurring a little as he tried moving him, only to feel horror clawing up his throat when the grip at his arm tightened, those yellow eyes pausing, unfocusing…the shaking and watery gasps and whimpers quieting. A few seconds of silence passed, before…

“<…B…Baht?>” The Khajiit gently shook his shoulder, jaw trembling. No response. His vision blurred, tears overflowing and spilling out over his fur, soaking it and rapidly growing cold in the freezing air.

“Baht.” J’hasi sniffed, a small whimper coming out before he dropped his head, fingers curling over the cold breastplate of his friend, his mentee…


Magnus rises in the Atronach


His gaze grew distant, brow furrowing in attempt to visualize the Khajiit’s explanation. It was as vague as it was meandering, and not much enlightening. Though, wasn’t that the point? If he could identify the problem by himself, he wouldn’t have sought help.  

“All right.”

He straightened himself and subjected his papers to the same. Then followed his books, all neatly stacked and not an inch out of place while he mulled some more on what he’d heard. He reunited and secured the ink pot with its lid, and only then did he walk around the desk to pull up a chair from the front row, near the Khajiit. He seated himself sideways, leaning an elbow upon the backrest. Fingers interlinked, ankle drawn across the opposing knee. He raised his chin expectantly.  

“Show me.”

He’d almost thought the mer was packing up to just leave, but the relative level of tension hiked up enough to feel like it was choking him when Astarill sat down, waiting. J’hasi swallowed, claws skimming over the seams of leather over his hands as he forced his tail to stay low. His ears flicked back, fidgeting as he tried to calm himself down. He didn’t want the reprimand that would undoubtedly come if he’d just been an idiot this whole time and forgotten something. He’d been doing it right, hadn’t he? How easily could someone screw up over something that seemed to be second nature to most mages?

…but…how else was he going to pass his class if he didn’t get help? The Khajiit took a deep breath. He’d just…have to do it and hope for the best… He backed up a little to give himself some space before flicking through the steps in his mind. ‘Magicka, visualize, connect…and…’ The purple magicka flickering unsteadily in his hands flared a little before…that stupid flash made the room a little brighter before fading just as quickly, and the weird feeling that followed, like a shiver down his arms and over his skin. And most importantly, no fucking familiar. He flexed his fingers, the sensation lingering there still as his tail curled closer to himself in resignation.

“It flashed that time. M’not sure if that helps.”

☁ (for anyone that catches the eye?)

‘Why are they so fidgety? The bodies haven’t even started moving yet, that’s when you should be worried. Or when the professor stares at you seemingly out of the blue. That’s the point you should be panicking.’

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