
For the first time since his former student came up to him, Astarill looked at him directly, meeting the cat’s questioning gaze with a hard, unrelenting stare. Just because they no longer found themselves in a hierarchy where one was above the other, didn’t mean this fumbling excuse for a mage-to-be could suddenly make inquiries of a personal nature.

“I left because my contract came to an end.”

That probably got the message across, and Astarill averted his stare to have a sip of his drink. “But I’ve never agreed with the College’s complacent approach to Thalmor interference.”

J’hasi frowned a little when he looked down to break the unsettling stare, finding that Ghost had stolen what was left of his drink, nickering softly as she prodded his shoulder with her nose.

“I s’pose, if you’re not makin’ enough or if you don’ like the job, that’s fair.” The Khajiit’s brows tensed a little, his jaw tightening before he looked to the side instead, at the falling leaves, the trees gently rustling in the breeze, hearing snatches of laughter and conversation on the wind. His voice dropped to a mutter, still audible to the mer in the conversation, while not so much to the passersby.

“Wish more people weren’t so damn scared to say somethin’ about them being there. Excuse sounds like utter bullshit to me.” he grumbled.


Oh, something ‘weird’ happened, huh? In an institute of magical learning? Amazing. Astarill obscured the smirk that threatened to show with a sip of his drink, and he scoffed, quietly.

“Very good.” And he said this without a hint of irony, “I can think of no better application of cryomancy than that.”

J’hasi giggled, whether from the comment or Ghost nibbling on his ears it was hard to tell. He took another drink as she puffed her hot breath into his fur.

“Makes him late to class, maybe he’ll get kicked out. Wouldn’t that be nice? Sick of him skulking around and following me, anyways. He’s a terrible sneak.” The Khajiit finally relented, allowing the pale mare pestering him to have a small drink from his tankard.

“Would be nice to experience the College without them around. Everyone’s always so tense.” He looked up at the Altmer with a slight frown.

“Is that why you left?”


vvardenfellcat replied to your post:

J’hasi hummed, seeming far more relaxed than usual. The slight scent of spiced pumpkin and mead on his fur might lead one to the culprit. “Food, booze. Maybe archery.” He shrugged, not noticing his horse behind him until she nosed at his scarf. “Honestly whatever gets me away from those Thalmor at the College is worth the trip. Ancano creeps me out.”

The mere mention of the ‘advisor’s’ name brought a sneer to his features, as if the wine in his cup had suddenly gone sour. He shook his head, staring over the crowd. He was still around, was he? Un-fucking-believable. The College’s cowardly approach to the matter hadn’t been his first reason to leave. Not even his second. But it was up there.

“How is the College these days? Aside from their continued acquiescence of Thalmor presence.”

The Khajiit’s mouth stretched into a lopsided frown, only for Ghost to bump into the side of his cheek and startle him a little, lifting a hand up to stroke her nose.

“I guess as normal as it was when I got there. Kinda. Something weird happened on an excavation so that’s…fun. Otherwise classes are alright. Still having problems, but not as bad as it used to be. Still have to sit through Colette’s lectures fairly often, though.” He took a drink of his mead, having to nudge a certain pale mare’s nose away from it first.

“I try to keep off campus as much as I can

because of the ‘guests’, honestly. When I don’t have classes I help with errands, enchantment pickups, and getting books for Urag.” A mischievous grin flicked across J’hasi’s face.

“Oh, and I’m practicing my frost magic more. I freeze the short one’s clothes in a bucket of water in the courtyard every so often.”

“What is your favorite thing about the festival so far?”


“The mulled wine, without a doubt.”

That, and the fact that he could take his mind off the fifty different things running through his mind, begging his attention. Alcohol and distraction. Precisely what everyone was here for, surely.

“Was there anything in particular you came for?”

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