
✧  (  sentence   starters     →    the  secret  garden

  please change any pronouns to your own liking or as you see fit !

  • ❝ I didn’t cry because I do not know how to cry. ❞
  • My mother didn’t have time to tell me stories. ❞

  • ❝ I’ve stolen a garden. But it may already be dead, I don’t know. ❞
  • The secret garden is always open now. Open, and awake, and alive.

  • If you look the right way, you can see that the whole world is a garden.

  • ❝ Be quiet! You’re the most selfish boy that ever was! I hate you! ❞
  • If you scream another scream, I will scream too.

  • ❝ I can scream louder than you, and for longer. ❞
  • ❝ Spores are the little things in the wind that get stuck to your lungs. ❞
  • Are you out here all by yourself?

  • I won’t shut it up again, I promise, forgive me.

  • ❝ The timeless tale of a special place where magic, hope, and love grow. ❞
  • Are you making this magic?

  • It’s like the whole universe is in here.

  • That means I could marry you. ❞

  • I don’t care. I want us always to be together.

  • Would you get back to the kitchen, you impudent girl!

  • I’ve tried to control her. She must be sent away, my Lord.

  • How can they be? It’s quite impossible.

  • I was angry, but I never cried. I didn’t know how to cry.

  • A garden. I’ve stolen a garden. ❞

  • Promise you won’t tell anyone?

  • You can dress after you’ve eaten. Your clothes are on the chair.

  • Who’s going to dress me?

  • Can’t you dress yourself?

  • How dare you speak to me with such disrespect!

  • Now, what would you like to wear? Black, black, or black?

  • Are you blind? They’re all black.

  • A what? You thought I’d be a what?

  • When I heard you’d be coming from there, I thought you’d be a native.

  • here’s no need to do that. I’ve nothing against natives.

  • Why do you keep it covered up?

  • Smiles too much? How can a person smile too much?

  • I thought she died falling off the swing in her garden.

  • If it’s dead, why does it keep growing all the time, even after you’re dead?

  • Well, maybe not your hair. You’ll probably be bald.

  • ❝ If everyone thought that about me, I still wouldn’t do it.

  • Secrets are safe with me.

  • It’s a secret garden.

  • Everyone thinks I’m going to die.

  • I hate the way you talk about dying. ❞

  • God! Look at your legs, they are swollen and red!

  • My parents always thought about themselves. They never thought about me.

  • Please don’t send me away, I won’t do any harm.

  • You did something I thought no one could do.

  • I will be doing some upstairs housekeeping and waiting on you a bit.

  • I can’t think why, but he’s decided to make friends with you.

  • Well, I don’t know what to do about it.

  • Hey that means we’re the same age.

  • You don’t know anything about anything; none of you.

  • I’m master of this house while my father is away.

  • I never had any friends before.


  • Waiting on me makes you my servant, then.

    . ❞


Some random character questions:

1. What’s their full name, how’s it pronounced, and what does it mean?

2. What’s their date of birth? Do they follow the stereotypes of their zodiac?

3. What type of drunk are they?

4. Give three of their strengths and three of their weaknesses.

5. What’s their favourite food?

6. If they were to be represented by a seven deadly sin, which would it be?

7. Do they have any living relatives? If they do, which one do they like the least and why?

8. Describe (or draw) their body type.

9. What’s their biggest fear?

10. Are they a dog or a cat person?

11. Describe them in 5 words.

12. If your character was handed a puppy, how would they react?

13. How would they react to suddenly being hugged?

14. What’s their biggest secret?

15. What are their pet peeves?

16. What’s their opinion on pineapple on pizza?

17. On average, how much sleep do they get at a time?

18. If they were a superhero, what powers would they have? (if they have powers, what are they and under what conditions do they work?)

19. Does your character collect anything?

20. What would your character’s favourite band(s) be?

21. How many languages do they speak, and what are they?

22. When your character is sad, what do they do to cheer themselves up?

23. Does your character snore?

24. Describe their voice.

25. How long would they last in a zombie apocalypse?




‘  am i more than you bargained for yet?  ’
‘  cause that’s just who i am this week.  ’
‘  isn’t it messed up how i’m just dying to be him?  ’
‘  i confess, i messed up.  ’
‘  i don’t blame you for being you, but you can’t blame me for hating it.  ’
‘  darling, what did you expect?  ’
‘  i could have died with you.  ’
‘  let’s play this came called ‘when you catch fire i wouldn’t piss to put you out.’  ’
‘  breaking hearts has never looked so cool.  ’
‘  you were the last good thing about this part of town.  ’
‘  i’m not a shoulder to cry on, but i digress.  ’
‘  i wrote the gospel on giving up.  ’
‘  joke me something awful just like kisses on the necks of best friends.  ’
‘  my back is breaking from this heavy heart.  ’
‘  thanks for the memories even though they weren’t so great.  ’
‘  see, he tastes like you, only sweeter.  ’
‘  get me out of my mind and get you out of those clothes.  ’
‘  i’m a liner away from getting you into the mood.  ’
‘  last year’s wishes are this years apologies.  ’
‘  we’re the new face of failure. prettier and younger, but not any better off.  ’


‘  what’s the worst that i can say?  ’
‘  things are better if i stay.  ’
‘  so long and goodnight.  ’
‘  and then we’ll meet again when both our cars collide.  ’
‘  never think i’ll make you try to stay.  ’
‘  i don’t love you like i did yesterday.  ’
‘  fix your eyes and get up.  ’
‘  i never said i’d lie and wait forever.  ’
‘  you are never coming home.  ’
‘  if you wanted honesty that’s all you had to say.  ’
‘  i never want to let you down or have you go.  ’
‘  i’m not okay.  ’
‘  for the last time, take a good hard look.  ’
‘  when i was a young boy my father took me into the city to see a marching band.  ’
‘  we’ll carry on.  ’
‘  your misery and hate will kill us all.  ’
‘  the world will never take my heart.  ’
‘  go and try, you’ll never break me.  ’
‘  give a cheer for the broken.  ’
‘  teenagers scare the living shit out of me.  ’
‘  you’re never gonna fit in much, kid.  ’


‘  can’t you just forget it?  ’
‘  i started something i couldn’t finish.  ’
‘  if we go down, we go down together.  ’
‘  everything i know about breaking hearts i learned from you.  ’
‘  i’ve made long term plans based on these mistakes.  ’
‘  don’t let it get to your head.  ’
‘  boys like you are a dime a dozen.  ’
‘  you’re a touch overrated.  ’
‘  you’e a lush and i hate it.  ’
‘  all i need to know is that i’m something you’ll be missing.  ’
‘  maybe i should hate you for this.  ’
‘  i’d never lie to you unless i had to.  ’
‘  the truth is that you could slit my throat and with my one last gasping breath, i’d apologize for bleeding on your shirt.  ’
‘  you are everything i want cause you are everything i’m not.  ’
‘  i just wanna break you down so badly in the worst way.  ’
‘  i’m gonna make damn sure that you can’t ever leave.  ’
‘  you won’t ever get too far from me.  ’
‘  your lipstick, his collar… don’t bother, angel. i know exactly what goes on.  ’
‘  will you tell all your friends you’ve got your gun to my head?  ’
‘  that all was only wishful thinking.  ’


‘  am i who you think about in bed?  ’
‘  i’ve got more wit, a better kiss, a hotter touch, a better fuck.  ’
‘  sweetie, you had me.  ’
‘  no, no, no, you know it will always be me.  ’
‘  i hope you didn’t expect to get all of the attention.  ’
‘  what a shame, the poor groom’s bride is a whore.  ’
‘  haven’t you people ever heard of closing the goddamn door?  ’
‘  i mean, technically our marriage is saved.  ’
‘  it’s much better to face these things with a sense of poise and rationality.  ’
‘  it’s just the end of the world.  ’
‘  things are shaping up to be pretty odd.  ’
‘  now i’m the only one to blame.  ’
‘  things have changed for me, and that’s okay.  ’
‘  northern downpour sends its love.  ’
‘  you clicked your heels and wished for me.  ’
‘  i know the worlds a broken bone.  ’


‘  your subtleties, they strangle me.  ’
‘  i can’t explain myself at all.  ’
‘  maybe it’s best you leave me alone.  ’
‘  i can’t explain what you can’t explain.  ’
‘  it ends tonight.  ’
‘  when you see my face, i hope it gives you hell.  ’
‘  truth be told, i miss you.  ’
‘  truth be told, i miss you. and truth be told, i’m lying.  ’
‘  if you find a man that’s worth a damn and treats you well then he’s a fool.  ’
‘  you’ll never see what you’ve done to me.  ’
‘  you can take back your memories, they’re no good for me.  ’
‘  let me know what i’ve done wrong.  ’
‘  you are the only one that needs to know.  ’
‘  i’ll keep you my dirty little secret.  ’
‘  don’t tell anyone or you’ll be just another regret.  ’
‘  speak to me.  ’
‘  when all you got to keep is strong, move along.  ’
‘  when everything is wrong, we move along.  ’
‘  i’m dreaming of her.  ’
‘  the nights are long and i am left while the tears fall.  ’
‘  did you think that i would cry on the phone?  ’
‘  do you know what it feels like being alone?  ’
‘  i’ll find someone new.  ’
‘  can you help me find a way to carry on again.  ’


‘  may i say i loved you more?  ’
‘  this time we spent together was meant to last us for awhile.  ’
‘  you’re an angel sent to save.  ’
‘  if you go down, i go with you.  ’
‘  let’s drink to memories we shared.  ’
‘  before too long, you’ll be a memory.  ’
‘  so tell me honestly, did you ever really wan this?  ’
‘  my jealous heart can’t take that.  ’
‘  i’ll be okay. is that what you want me to say?  ’
‘  it’s called break-up ‘cause it’s broken.  ’
‘  please don’t tell me that i’m dreaming.  ’
‘  i’m throwing away pictures that i never should have taken in the first place.  ’
‘  i’m just hoping you’re not seeing his face.  ’
‘  it was him that took my place.  ’
‘  even broken hearts may have their doubts.  ’
‘  you smiled the whole way through it, i guess maybe that’s what’s worse.  ’
‘  i hope this makes you happy now.  ’
‘  take me home.  ’
‘  i’d rather die than be with you.  ’
‘  i know you’re trying your hardest.  ’
‘  the hardest part is letting go of the nights we shared.  ’
‘  compared to your eyes, nothing shines quite as bright.  ’
‘  let’s not pretend like you’re alone tonight, i know he’s there.  ’
‘  i guess that i can live without you but without you i’ll be miserable at best.  ’
‘  without you i’ll be miserable at best.  ’
‘  you’re all that i hoped i’d find in every single way.  ’
‘  the hardest part of living is just taking breaths to stay.  ’
‘  it’s been three whole days since i’ve had sleep ‘cause i dream of his lips on your cheeks.  ’
‘  i got the point that i should leave you alone, but we both know that i’m not that strong.  ’
‘  i miss the lips that made me fly.  ’
‘  young love is such dumb love.  ’
‘  you’re still out of my reach.  ’
‘  how could i ask you to leave me?  ’
‘  we were just kids in love.  ’
‘  the first kiss stole the breath from my lips. why did the last one tear us apart?  ’



❛ They’re safe ❜  
❛ She’s/he’s/they’re safe, just like I promised. ❜
❛ And you get to die for her/him/them, just like you promised. ❜
❛ We’re all men/woman of our word. ❜
❛ This is either madness or brilliance. ❜
❛ It’s remarkable how often those two traits coincide. ❜
❛ Me? I’m dishonest. ❜
❛ And a dishonest man/woman/person you can always trust to be dishonest. ❜
❛ It’s the honest ones you want to watch out for, because you can never predict when they’re going to do something incredibly.. stupid. ❜
❛ This is the day you will always remember as the day you almost caught NAME. ❜
❛ You cheated. ❜
❛ Pirate. ❜
❛ You are without doubt the worst pirate I’ve ever heard of. ❜
❛ What’s your purpose? ❜
❛ I confess, it is my intention to commandeer one of these ships. ❜
❛ I confess, it is my intention to raid, pillage, plunder and otherwise pilfer my weasely black guts out. ❜
❛ I said no lies. ❜
❛ I think he’s telling the truth. ❜
❛ If he/she/they were telling the truth, he/she/they wouldn’t have told us. ❜
❛ That’s not true. ❜
❛ I am not obsessed with treasure. ❜
❛ Not all treasure is silver and gold, mate. ❜
❛ You’re supposed to be dead! ❜
❛ The only rules that matter are these: what a man/woman/person can do and what a man/woman/person can’t do. ❜
❛ Pirate is in your blood, boy. ❜
❛ I can let you drown. ❜
❛ So, can you sail under the command of a pirate, or can you not? ❜
❛ Drink up, me hearties. Yo ho. ❜
❛ You burned all the food, the shade.. the rum! ❜
❛ Yes, the rum is gone. ❜
❛ Why is the rum gone? ❜
❛ It is a vile drink that turns even the most respectable men into complete scoundrels. ❜
❛ The entire Royal Navy is out looking for me. ❜
❛ Do you really think there is even the slightest chance they won’t see it? ❜
❛ There’ll be no living with him/her/them after this. ❜
❛ I am here to negotiate the cessation of hostilities against PLACE. ❜
❛ There are a lot of long words in there, Miss/Mr. ❜
❛ We’re naught but humble pirates. ❜
❛ What is it that you want? ❜
❛ I want you to leave and never come back. ❜
❛ I am disinclined to acquiesce to your request. Mean’s no. ❜
❛ I didn’t steal it, if that’s what you mean. ❜
❛ Too long I’ve been starving to death and haven’t died. ❜
❛ I feel nothing. ❜
❛ You best start believing in ghost stories, NAME. You’re in one. ❜
❛ No survivors? Then where do the stories come from, I wonder? ❜
❛ If you were waiting for the opportune moment, that was it. ❜
❛ I want you to know that I was rooting for you. Know that. ❜
❛ It never would have worked between us, darling. ❜
❛ I’m terribly sorry, I didn’t know. ❜
❛ How far are you willing to go to save her/him/them? ❜
❛ I’d die for her/him/them. ❜
❛ You need to find yourself a girl/boy, mate. ❜
❛ Who are you? ❜
❛ No one. He’s no one. Distant cousin of my aunt’s nephew twice removed. Lovely singing voice. Eunuch. ❜
❛ A wedding? I love weddings. Drinks all around! ❜
❛ I love this song. ❜
❛ You’ll be positively the most fearsome pirates in the Spanish Main. ❜
❛ You stole my boat! ❜
❛ I borrowed. Borrowed without permission, but with every intention of bringing it back. ❜
❛ It’s frightful bad luck to have a woman on board. ❜
❛ She/he/they go free. ❜
❛ You only got one shot. ❜
❛ We can’t die. ❜
❛ Don’t do anything stupid. ❜
❛ The crew are not to be harmed. ❜
❛ Curse you for breathin’, ya slack-jawed idiot. ❜
❛ You should know better than to wake a man when he’s sleepin’. It’s bad luck. ❜
❛ Savvy? ❜
❛ It’s not worth you getting beat again. ❜
❛ You didn’t beat me. ❜
❛ You ignored the rules of engagement. In a fair fair, I’d kill you. ❜
❛ That’s not much incentive for me to fight fair then, is it? ❜
❛ The deepest circle of hell is reserved for betrayers and mutineers. ❜
❛ You know nothing of hell. ❜
❛ How can we sail to an island that nobody can find with a compass that doesn’t work? ❜
❛ I’m actually feeling rather good about this. ❜
❛ You could surrender. ❜
❛ I’m gonna teach you the meaning of pain. ❜
❛ You like pain? Try wearing a corset. ❜
❛ Wretch. ❜
❛ I couldn’t resist, mate. ❜
❛ That’s got to be the best pirate I’ve ever seen. ❜
❛ I cannot just step aside and let you escape. ❜
❛ This shot was not meant for you. ❜
❛ You’re pirates. ❜
❛ Hang the code, and hang the rules. They’re more like guidelines, anyway. ❜
❛ You lying bastard! ❜
❛ Don’t dare impugn me honor, boy/girl! ❜
❛ I always liked you. ❜
❛ It goes with your black heart. ❜
❛ I really rather hoped we were past all this. ❜
❛ Perhaps you’ll conjure up another miraculous escape, but I doubt it. ❜
❛ Do us a favor. I know it’s difficult for you… but please, stay here, and try not to do anything… stupid. ❜
❛ Even a good decision if made for the wrong reasons can be a wrong decision. ❜
❛ Any man who falls behind, is left behind. ❜
❛ Take what you can! Give nothin’ back. ❜
❛ I hardly believe in ghost stories. ❜
❛ We are cursed men. ❜
❛ Will you be saving her/him then? ❜
❛ I can’t swim. ❜
❛ I’m watching over you. ❜
❛ I should have told you from the moment I met you. I love you. ❜
❛ Hang him. ❜
❛ Keep your guns on him, men. ❜
❛ How did you escape last time? ❜
❛ This man/woman/person saved my life. ❜
❛ One good deed is not enough to redeem a man of a lifetime of wickedness. ❜
❛ Come out… and we promise we won’t hurt you. ❜
❛ I invoke the right of parlay. ❜
❛ I can’t breathe. ❜
❛ You seem somewhat familiar. Have I threatened you before? ❜
❛ I had a dream about you last night. ❜
❛ You don’t want to be doing that, mate. ❜
❛ I’m curious. After killing me, what is it you’re planning on doing next? ❜
❛ Do you have the courage and fortitude to follow orders and stay true in the face of danger and almost certain death? ❜
❛ You forget your place. ❜
❛ So, this is where your heart truly lies? ❜
❛ I already feel like a fool. ❜
❛ I admire a person who’s willing to do whatever’s necessary. ❜
❛ You’re a smart man/woman/person, but I don’t entirely trust you. ❜
❛ I’m not sure I deserved that. ❜
❛ I may have deserved that. ❜
❛ You’re safe now. ❜
❛ You’re despicable. ❜
❛ I saved your life, you saved mine. We’re square. ❜
❛ I can get you out of here. ❜
❛ I’d need a lot more to drink. ❜
❛ It was a good plan.. up ‘till now. ❜
❛ Do not make the mistake in thinking you are the only man here who cares for NAME. ❜
❛ Is there a problem between us? ❜
❛ Every decision you’ve made has only brought us from bad to worse. ❜
❛ Easy on the goods, darling. ❜
❛ I’m not entirely sure that I’ve had enough rum to allow that kind of talk. ❜
❛ He’s still breathing. ❜
❛ Easy on the goods, darling. ❜

Uncommon Questions for OCs and their creators:


Send me a # (questions for OCs) or a letter (questions for creators) and I’ll answer


  1. What’s the maximum amount of time your character can sit still with nothing to do?
  2. How easy is it for your character to laugh?
  3. How do they put themselves to bed at night (reading, singing, thinking?)
  4. How easy is it to earn their trust?
  5. How easy is it to earn their mistrust?
  6. Do they consider laws flexible, or immovable?
  7. What triggers nostalgia for them, most often? Do they enjoy that feeling?
  8. What were they told to stop/start doing most often as a child
  9. Do they swear? Do they remember their first swear word?
  10. What lie do they most frequently remember telling? Does it haunt them?
  11. How do they cope with confusion (seek clarification, pretend they understand, etc)?
  12. How do they deal with an itch found in a place they can’t quite reach?
  13. What color do they think they look best in? Do they actually look best in that color?
  14. What animal do they fear most?
  15. How do they speak? Is what they say usually thought of on the spot, or do they rehearse it in their mind first?
  16. What makes their stomach turn?
  17. Are they easily embarrassed?
  18. What embarrasses them?
  19. What is their favorite number?
  20. If they were asked to explain the difference between romantic and platonic or familial love, how would they do so?
  21. Why do they get up in the morning? 
  22. How does jealousy manifest itself in them (they become possessive, they become aloof, etc)? 
  23. How does envy manifest itself in them (they take what they want, they become resentful, etc)? 
  24.  Is sex something that they’re comfortable speaking about? To whom? 
  25.  What are their thoughts on marriage? 
  26.  What is their preferred mode of transportation? 
  27.  What causes them to feel dread? 
  28.  Would they prefer a lie over an unpleasant truth? 
  29.  Do they usually live up to their own ideals? 
  30.  Who do they most regret meeting? 
  31.  Who are they the most glad to have met? 
  32.  Do they have a go-to story in conversation? Or a joke? 
  33.  Could they be considered lazy? 
  34.  How hard is it for them to shake a sense of guilt? 
  35.  How do they treat the things their friends come to them excited about? Are they supportive? 
  36. Do they actively seek romance, or do they wait for it to fall into their lap? 
  37. Do they have a system for remembering names, long lists of numbers, things that need to go in a certain order (like anagrams, putting things to melodies, etc)? 
  38. What memory do they revisit the most often? 
  39. How easy is it for them to ignore flaws in other people? 
  40. How sensitive are they to their own flaws?
  41. How do they feel about children? 
  42. How badly do they want to reach their end goal? 
  43. If someone asked them to explain their sexuality, how would they do so? 


A) Why are you excited about this character?
B) What inspired you to create them?
C) Did you have trouble figuring out where they fit in their own story?
D) Have they always had the same physical appearance, or have you had to edit how they look?
E) Are they someone you would get along with? Would they get along with you?
F) What do you feel when you think of your OC (pride, excitement, frustration, etc)?
G) What trait of theirs bothers you the most?
H) What trait do you admire most?
I) Do you prefer to keep them in their canon universe?
J) Did you have to manipulate or exclude canon factors to allow them to create their character?

Childhood Memories


Send in a number and my muse will talk about:

  1. An old childhood friend
  2. A time when they got lost
  3. A fear they used to have (or perhaps, still have)
  4. Their favorite food
  5. Food they used to avoid but like now
  6. An old enemy/bully
  7. Their family
  8. Their earliest memory
  9. An adventure they had
  10. An object they kept
  11. Their favorite toy/past time
  12. A time they got hurt
  13. A happy time
  14. A sad time
  15. Things they used to believe in but perhaps not anymore
  16. A dream of the future they used to have
  17. A vivid dream/nightmare
  18. Something that scared them
  19. Something that made them laugh
  20. Their favorite relative/person
  21. Their childhood hero
  22. Something they used to collect 
  23. Their favorite animal
  24. Free question. Ask something not listed! 


J.R.R. Tolkien quotes

  • “All that is gold does not glitter. Not all those who wander are lost.”
  • “All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”

  • “If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.”

  • “There is some good in this world, and it’s worth fighting for.”

  • “Faithless is he that says farewell when the road darkens.”

  • “The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater.”

  • “Deserves it! I daresay he does. Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the very wise cannot see all ends.”

  • “I will not say: do not weep; for not all tears are an evil.”

  • “Do you wish me a good morning, or mean that it is a good morning whether I want it or not; or that you feel good this morning; or that it is a morning to be good on?”

  • “I am glad you are here with me. Here at the end of all things.”

  • “Courage is found in unlikely places.”

  • “It’s the job that’s never started as takes longest to finish.”

  • “May it be a light to you in dark places, when all other lights go out.”

  • “Moonlight drowns out all but the brightest stars.”

  • “A man that flies from his fear may find that he has only taken a shortcut to meet it.”

  • “I warn you, if you bore me, I shall take my revenge.”

  • “In this hour, I do not believe that any darkness will endure.”

  • “It is not the strength of the body that counts, but the strength of the spirit.”

  • “The world is full enough of hurts and mischances without wars to multiply them.”

  • “If by my life or death I can protect you, I will. ”

  • “I feel thin, sort of stretched, like butter scraped over too much bread.”

  • “It is not despair, for despair is only for those who see the end beyond all doubt. We do not.”

  • “You have nice manners for a thief and a liar.“

  • “It is useless to meet revenge with revenge; it will heal nothing.”

  • “Yes, I am here. And you are lucky to be here too after all the absurd things you’ve done since you left home.”

  • “Pay heed to the tales of old wives. It may well be that they alone keep in memory what it was once needful for the wise to know.”

  • “It is perilous to study too deeply the arts of the Enemy, for good or for ill.”

  • “I wished to be loved by another, but I desire no man’s pity.”

  • “The whole thing is quite hopeless, so it’s no good worrying about tomorrow. It probably won’t come.”

  • “Sorry! I don’t want any adventures, thank you. Not Today. Good morning! But please come to tea -any time you like! Why not tomorrow? Good bye!”

  • “How do you move on? You move on when your heart finally understands that there is no turning back.”

  • “A red sun rises. Blood has been spilled this night.”

  • “Don’t go where I can’t follow.”
  • “I may be a burglar…but I’m an honest one, I hope, more or less.”

  • “For victory is victory, however small, nor is its worth only from what follows from it.”

  • “I have passed through fire and deep water, since we parted. I have forgotten much that I thought I knew, and learned again much that I had forgotten.”

  • “Why must you speak your thoughts? Silence, if fair words stick in your throat, would serve all our ends better.”

  • “If you sit on the doorstep long enough, I daresay you will think of something”

  • “There’s some good in this world, and it’s worth fighting for.”
  • “On their deathbed men will speak true, they say.”


😡 : Worst role play-related encounter and what advice you would give to others to avoid similar situations?

✌ : Fondest role-play memory, between muses?

✿ : Fondest role-play memory, between muns?

웃 : An existing character you’ve played in the past that you miss?

ツ : An OC you created that you are proud of?

유 : A role-play related instance that you regret/are ashamed/not proud of?

♂ : Do you have a role-play/writing routine? If so, what is it?

♀ : A trope you catch yourself falling back too often?

☿ : A trope you dislike?

✍ : Offer 3-5 tips on how to get other role players started on interacting with your muse.

✉ : On average, how long does it take you to write a reply that you’re pleased with?

❅ : Advice to non-role play blogs that want to get started?

✔ : What drew you to the character you currently play? What types of characters are you generally drawn to?

☯ : Greatest challenge to writing your character?

✘ : Any head canons you’d like to imply on you character but know they wouldn’t fit?

✯ : A head canon someone else has inspired you to adopt?

➳ : Do you prefer writing on your own, on tumblr/a forum, or on an IM platform? Why?

▲ : What sort of information do you like to see on someone’s role play page that helps you determine whether or not you would want to write with them?

▼ : Are there popular head canons for your character that you disagree with? Why?

♫ : Are there parts of your own personality that you reflect onto your character? How do they work?

❤ : What are some role-plays that you have done/are doing that you particularly enjoy and wish to share with your followers?

✈ : What do you think is your reputation in your role-play community?

⌘ : Where do you get some of your inspirations for plots/head canons? Offer an example, if possible.

ღ : What sorts of plots/characters/scenes do you have the most difficulty writing, and why?

☂ : Spread some love: mention someone you’ve met that has influenced you or your writing in a positive way, and explain how.

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