
TES Autumn Festival Starters { Part II }

{ Some more additions to this meme, because it’s fun! }

General —

“Where did you get that attire?”
“So, are you here for the excitement? Or only the alcohol?”
“Where is the alcohol? Please don’t tell me that I came to a party without any mead, at least.”
“I thought you weren’t one for crowds.”
“What is your favorite thing about the festival so far?”
“Maybe they should have made more food.”
“Oh my, is that ____? I was not expecting to see them here.”

Activities —

“Which horse are you betting on for the race?”
“Is that your horse? It’s beautiful! Do you think he’ll/she’ll win?”
“Are you taking part in anything this evening?”
“Hey! Let’s go watch the sparring competition!”
“Wanna be my opponent in the sparring event?”
“You’re entering the talent show? What’s your act?”
“I’m entering the talent show! I’m going to ____!”

For Dates/Potential Dates —

“Can you get me a drink?”
“Would you like me to get you a drink?”
“Wow, your date is fetching!”
“I’m glad you’re here with me.”
“Want to go for a stroll, away from all of the commotion for a bit?”
“How did I get so lucky to be the one to attend this event with you?”
“You know, after this, I think I might like to ask you out again, if you’ll have me.”
“There are no words to describe how magnificent you look in that wardrobe.”

TES Autumn Festival Starters


[ A sentence starter meme for this week’s Autumn Festival. Fill in the blanks as needed, and feel free to alter the sentences as you desire! ]

General —

  • “Let me introduce myself. My name is ___”
  • “Are you enjoying yourself?”
  • “Did you travel far to get here?”
  • “You don’t look too happy to be here.”
  • “The food is amazing!”
  • “I think it’s time to go head to the tavern.”
  • “Were you expecting it to be this crowded?”
  • “Are you ____? My friend ____ told me about you.”
  • “I didn’t know you were going to be here!”

Activities —

  • “Do you know when the archery competition is going to start?”
  • “What were you planning on doing next?”
  • “So what all have you done so far?”
  • “I hear music!”
  • “Someone told me they were going to have ____. Is that true?”
  • “Are you going to go watch ____?”
  • “Do you want to go do ____ with me?”
  • “Wait, where did you get that ____?”

For Dates/Potential Dates —

  • “Are you here by yourself?”
  • “Is that your date?”
  • “Would you be interested in being my date?”
  • “We should go dance together.”
  • “I want to do whatever you want to do.”
  • “Maybe you and I could do ____ together?”
  • “I bought/won this for you. It’s a ____!”
  • “I think you look stunning.”
  • “Maybe I want to show you off a bit. Is that wrong?”
  • “I’m getting sort of tired. Want to go find a place to sit down for a moment?”


Send a word for your muse to find my muse in a certain state.

Mostly angsty stuff, but feel free to add your own.

  • Tears – Find my muse crying.
  • Rest – Find my muse sound asleep.
  • Dream – Find my muse moving in their sleep due to a dream or nightmare.
  • Bleed – Find my muse injured.
  • Drink – Find my muse drunk.
  • Collapse – Find my muse blacked-out on the ground.
  • Leaving – Find my muse dying.
  • Grave – Find my muse dead.
  • Fear – Find my muse panicking about something.
  • Hide – Find my muse hiding from something or someone.
  • Anger – Find my muse very angry.
  • Escape – Find my muse trying to run away from something or someone.
  • Toxic – Find my muse poisoned.
  • Bruise – Find my muse badly beaten up. 
  • Freeze – Find my muse trying to keep warm in the cold.
  • Battle – Find my muse in the middle of a fight with someone or something.
  • Saw – Find my muse getting a limb amputated. 
  • Cough – Find my muse coughing out blood.

Force my Muse to Spill their Secrets


🌧- For a heavy, emotional secret

🙃- For a lighter, slightly embarrassing secret

🌟- For a secret wish or desire of theirs

🍏- For something they secretly wish didn’t exist

🍎- For something they secretly wish did exist

❤️- For a secret crush

📲- Talk about someone/something you dislike, but only pretend to like

👁‍🗨- Talk about someone/something you like, but pretend to dislike

🍻- For something bad/mischievous you did as a child or teen that your parents don’t know about

🌜- For a ‘weird’ habit or tic that no one knows about

💃- For a talent that they like to keep hidden from others

🏹- For a talent they wish they had

👻- For something that scares or disturbs them, but they refuse to tell anyone

☢️- For a controversy or scandal they have been able to keep mostly under wraps

🐇- For a secret item they keep (stuffed animal, comfort object, etc)

📒- For a secret journal/diary they keep (Bonus: Share an entry from it!)

📔- For a secret sketchbook they keep (Bonus: Share a sketch or doodle within it!)

🖤- For something they secretly wish they could do with your muse

❓- Free Space! Ask them about a specific secret!

overwatch starters


 i play to win.  
❝  this is my curse. ❞ 
❝  wait for me! ❞ 

❝  your mother would’ve been proud of you. ❞

❝  let us hope for a different outcome. ❞ 

❝  sorry it’s such a mess in here. i-i wasn’t expecting company. ❞

❝  this is going to make you feel better. ❞

❝  the true enemy of humanity is disorder. ❞ 
❝  a steady blade balances the soul. ❞ 
❝  this is just like old times. ❞ 
❝  even here i feel an outcast. ❞ 

❝  think you can do my job, do you… ❞

❝  all eyes on me! ❞ 

❝  ooh, this is my jam. ❞

❝  got your aim from your mom, i see. ❞

❝  i’ll feast on your soul. ❞ 
❝  cheers, love! the cavalry’s here! ❞ 
❝   our paths cross for now. as to the future, we shall see. ❞ 
❝   we could’ve built an empire together. ❞ 
❝   ah. just setting foot here sets my soul at ease. ❞ 
❝  this time, stay down. ❞ 

❝  can i get your autograph? ❞

❝  why are you so angry? ❞

❝  ever get that feeling of déjà vu? ❞ 
❝  i am a different man now. i am whole. ❞ 
❝  over my dead body. ❞ 

❝   i’m on top of the world! ❞

❝  i’m patched up. ❞ 

❝  kids today with techno music. you should enjoy the classics, like hasselhoff. ❞

❝   what’s wrong? don’t you recognize me? ❞ 
❝   aren’t you warm wearing all that? ❞ 

❝  can’t stop, won’t stop. ❞

❝  i’ll race ya! ❞

❝   mock death at your own peril. ❞ 
❝  this time, i will finish the job. ❞ 

❝  death is an illusion. ❞

❝  look at this team! we’re gonna do great. ❞

❝  i am beyond redemption. ❞

❝   it looks like we will be working together. ❞ 
❝   you’ve rescued me again. ❞ 

❝  i will not be defeated so easily. ❞

❝  treasure? s-sure, i don’t know anything you’re talking about. ❞ 

❝  so this is what has become of you? a pity.❞

❝  you’re so amazing! you inspire me. ❞ 
❝  i miss him greatly. ❞ 
❝  there is nowhere to hide. ❞ 
❝  whatcha’ lookin’ at? ❞ 

❝  woo, nothing’s gonna stop me. ❞

❝  that was your dream, not mine. ❞ 
❝  what you call freedom is an illusion that causes more harm than good. ❞ 
❝  hehe, there’s something on your dress.. ❞ 

❝  you have been judged! ❞

❝   i have the upper hand this time. ❞ 

❝  traitor! ❞

❝  you will never amount to anything! ❞

❝  i’ve got my eye on you. ❞

❝  lot of memories of this place. they weren’t all bad. ❞

❝  the heart of a man still beats inside of me. ❞ 

❝  stay out of trouble. ❞

❝  step into my parlor said the spider to the fly. ❞

❝  one shot, one kill. ❞

❝  don’t think i’m happy about that. ❞ 

❝  now this place? makes me wanna be an atheist. ❞

❝  our world is worth fighting for. ❞

❝  you haven’t aged a day. what’s your secret? ❞

❝  ooooh, shiny! ❞

❝  oh, did that sting? ❞

❝  heroes never die. ❞

❝  where does it hurt? ❞

❝  you’re just a no-good bully. ❞

❝  i’m a one-man apocalypse. ❞

❝  you should look somewhere else. ❞

❝  you said you would arm wrestle me. nervous? ❞

❝  i learned that from my brother. ❞ 

❝  i hope nobody saw that. ❞

❝  on a scale of one to ten, how is your pain? ❞

❝  i’m not a miracle worker. well… not always. ❞

❝  this was once my home. no longer. ❞

❝  sorry! sorry, i’m sorry. sorry. ❞

❝  i remember being here. it was good for my tan. ❞

❝  wish i’d practice my japanese more, konichiwa! ❞

❝  you need a time out. ❞ 

❝  you might not want to tell your friends about that. ❞

❝  guess we know who’s really on top, don’t we? ❞

❝  with every death, comes honor. with honor, redemption. ❞

❝  a punishment for your crimes. ❞ 

❝  i will be on my best behaviour. ❞

❝  you think there’s something worth stealing in that temple? ❞

❝  people should be free. ❞ 

❝  you were never my equal. ❞

❝  death walks among you. ❞ 
❝   last i checked, i didn’t ask for your opinion. ❞ 
❝   you can’t be serious. ❞ 
❝   they’re back. ❞ 
❝   armor? how positively primitive. ❞
❝   now this is my kinda city, everyone’s free to live as they choose. ❞

❝   you need a time out. ❞ 
❝   die! die! die! ❞ 
❝   to think i would have to work with a street ruffian. ❞ 
❝   death comes. ❞ 
❝   one of these days someone is gonna to put an end to you. ❞ 

❝   that which doesn’t kill you…makes you stronger.. ❞

❝   well. you sure take to this bad guy thing easily, don’t ya? ❞

❝   aren’t you supposed to be dead? ❞

❝  i’ll tell you my secret if you give me your coat. ❞

❝   sleep. ❞

❝  never liked you much. ❞

❝  never leave a teammate behind. ❞

❝  together we are strong. ❞

❝  you won’t get rid of me that easily. ❞

❝  i don’t even think children are afraid of you. ❞

❝  i taught you everything you know. ❞

❝  it’s hard to just sit around knowing there’s someone out there that needs to be blown up. ❞

❝  i’ll put an end to your sad story. ❞

❝  you havin’ trouble keeping up? ❞

❝  i have destroyed more of your kind than i can count. ❞

❝ it’s a perfect day for some mayhem. ❞

❝  we’re all soldiers now. ❞

❝  give me your best shot. ❞

❝   you knew exactly what were you doing. ❞
❝   knock me down, and i’ll keep getting back up. ❞
❝   you always did have a high opinion of yourself. ❞

❝   i’m not a young man anymore. ❞

❝  still trying to play hero? ❞

❝  i sometimes wonder if your height is why you’re always in such a bad mood. ❞

❝  this is no place for children. ❞

❝  the world could always use more heroes. ❞

❝  looked in a mirror lately? ❞

❝  Me one, bad guys zero. ❞

❝  i’m gonna have to shoot you down. ❞

❝  this old dog has learned a few tricks. ❞
❝  another one off the list. ❞

❝  i love your glasses, so cute! ❞

❝  if at first you don’t succeed…blow it up again! ❞

❝  that’s for my family back home! ❞

❝  i’ve got you in my sights. ❞

❝  i’m the one who does his job. i’m thinking… you’re the other one. ❞

❝   you weren’t given those guns to toss them away like trash. ❞ 

Starters – Far Cry 5


  • “I know you’ve heard stories about me. That I’m a liar. A manipulator.”
  • “Well, let me tell you a different story.”
  • “But now, you’re all alone.”
  • “You’re weak. And we know what happens to the weak.”
  • “You would let the entire world burn before you swallowed your pride.”
  • “I’ve spent my entire life looking for things to say ‘yes’ to.”
  • “You can feel it, can’t you?”
  • “There they are… the Locusts in our garden.”
  • “Sometimes the best thing to do is to walk away.”
  • “No one is coming to save you.”
  • “Despite all that you have done, you are not beyond salvation.”
  • “You’ve been given a gift.”
  • “We are all sinners. Every one of us.”
  • “Don’t worry, you don’t have to do anything.”
  • “I know the feelings that drive you.”
  • “Having a moment just to yourself in all this craziness, well it’s good for the soul.”
  • “You’ve got the look of a hunter in your eye.”
  • “You will all say ‘yes.’”
  • “Fear did this to you.”
  • “You’ve solved every problem I’ve put before you.”
  • “You keep going on like this and you’ll become a folk hero around here.”
  • “Well, I’ve seen your work. You know how to handle yourself.”
  • “You think I need to be rescued, but I don’t.”
  • “We’ve got men and women here that need to be fed.”
  • “Glad we can actually put this stuff to use instead of letting it collect dust in some bunker.”
  • “Do you feel different? Do you feel alive?”
  • “You bring destruction.”
  • “You’ve had your fun.”
  • “You won’t regret this. I promise.”
  • “I am not here to take your life.”
  • “Your sin is Wrath.”
  • “And I’ll be waiting right here.”
  • “I want this coward to know that they have my attention.”
  • “We will do what needs to be done.”
  • “Y’know, if it were up to me you’d have been dead a long time ago.”

Casual Nudity Memes


Send one to… 

 👙 – Catch my muse half naked accidentally 

 🙅‍♂️ – Walk in my muse and see them covering up their naked body 

 😍 – See my muse naked accidentally and say “damn” without meaning it 

 💧- Go skinny dipping with my muse 

☀️ – Go to a nudist beach with my muse 

 🍃 – Have my muse pose tastefully for your muse’s art project 

 🍺 – Get drunk and wake up completely naked cuddled up to my muse

 💳 – Play strip poker with my muse 

 🛁 – Shower with my muse

 🎁 – “Dick in a box” prank my muse 

 😧 – Accidentally walk into a changing stall that my muse was in 

 ✋️ – See my muse naked and have your muse cover their eyes 

 🖐 – Have your muse peek through their fingers at seeing my muse naked


A couple of random sentences from TES IV Obivion. Feel free to change items such as names, pronouns, or words as you see fit.

I’m glad that’s done. I need a nap.

♛ ❝

You’ve got some nimble fingers. What have you been getting them into?

♛ ❝

Why… won’t… you… die?!

♛ ❝

This is the part where you fall down and bleed to death!

♛ ❝

*Gasp* “Oh my goodness! Excuse me, are you all right?

♛ ❝

You. I’ve seen your kind before. You’ve got blood on your hands. Keep your blade sheathed, you murdering bastard, or I’ll put you down myself.

♛ ❝

You said you wanted me to solve this myself. And I am. Drastic measures. Didn’t want to, but you’re right, it is the only way.

♛ ❝

You won’t help me? You’re abandoning me now, just when I need you the most?!

♛ ❝

No… no. I understand. It is my problem, and I should solve it myself. You’re right. I should never have involved you.

♛ ❝

We can’t talk here. Too public. Meet me behind the Great Chapel at midnight. Don’t let anyone follow you. I’ll make it worth your while.

♛ ❝

I’m so happy I could just… tear out your intestines and strangle ye with ‘em!❞

♛ ❝

Quickly! Before I get bored. You wouldn’t like me when I’m bored.

♛ ❝

I can see it in your face! Mostly in your eyes. I may have to take them when this is done.

♛ ❝

You dare interrupt me! Only I interrupt me! Like just then. I’m speaking with someone! We’ll talk later. Or not. When is later, exactly? Not now, I’m sure of that.

♛ ❝

Stop! You have violated the law! Pay the court a fine or serve your sentence.❞

♛ ❝

Then pay with your blood!

♛ ❝

I’ve fought mudcrabs more fearsome than you!

♛ ❝

The body’s still warm. Looks like there’s a killer about.

♛ ❝

I’m here to relieve you

♛ ❝

I’m no ”_____“. I’m a monster.

♛ ❝

May the Night Mother wrap you in her cold, loving embrace.

♛ ❝

Dear Brother/Sister, I do not spread rumours, I create them.

♛ ❝

You sleep rather soundly for a murderer

♛ ❝

You again? You’re becoming a real pain in my arse, you know that? I thought I made myself clear. You don’t belong down here. Now get!

♛ ❝

I heard a rumor that you’re an idiot. Any truth to that?

♛ ❝

What are you waiting for? Kill me. Can’t you see? It’s what I want! I can’t go on knowing I’m something horrid. Kill me.

♛ ❝

You’ve probably figured that out by now. Let’s hope so. Or we’re in real trouble… and out come the intestines. And I skip rope with them!

♛ ❝

They’re getting more active every day. Not a good sign. You know what would be a good sign? “Free Sweetrolls!” Who wouldn’t like that?

♛ ❝

Psst! Over here!

Yes, you. We need to talk!

♛ ❝

Paradise awaits and I do not fear death.

♛ ❝

Men are but flesh and blood. They know their doom, but not the hour.❞

♛ ❝

Please, do not let my appearance… unnerve you.

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