J’hasi yawned hugely, tongue curling to touch the tip of his nose before he shivered and sneezed, shaking his head. A few fallen leaves fluttered off of his head, an ear flicking absentmindly to rid itself of another that had clung on. Ghost nickered, adjusting her shoulder against the tree, lifting her head a little to peer down at her master, her pale-dappled coat littered with her own small scattering of leaves.

The Khajiit chuckled, rubbing his eyes with the knuckles of one hand, while the other blinding groped up to her muzzle and rubbed her chin, then back to her jaw, giving her a pat.

“M’up, m’up…” he mumbled, the mare whisking her tail in response to a fly landing on her flank before nibbling at the Khajiit’s ears, hoping that the lingering scent of mead on his fur meant he would get more that she could have.

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