Under Saarthal – Icarus/J’hasi


“Oh please,” Icarus scowled as he began to turn around . “I’m pretty sure you can get a decent view of this thing ov-” his blood froze as he saw the backside of the corpse, its head now turned where the blue glow in its eye sockets seared into his soul. The mer shrieked, tripping over a dusty jug. He scrambled to get back on his feet as the draugr swung its sword, grazing the terrified Altmer.

“Get–” The mer swallowed heavily to regain his composure, lifting his arms towards the Nordic corpse in preparations for a shock spell, “GET BACK YOU SHAMBLING BASTARD!!” Sparks blasted from the magelings hands, showering the Draugr in electricity. Icarus could only thank whichever magnificent bastard that created the amulet around his neck.

His relief was immediately retracted when the undead fiend stared him in the eyes, yanking the khajiits dagger from his shoulders, unscathed from the shower of sparks.

“GUYS. THIS AIN’T WORKING!” Icarus panicked, frantically casting a ward between him and the draugr.

The Altmer yelped as a single ice bolt from the animated carcass shattered his ward effortlessly, the golden color draining from his face.

The Khajiit hissed between his teeth when he got to his feet, heat soaking into his clothes and only marginally soothed by the jagged piece of ice, hearing Tolfdir overhead as he rushed to the stairs.

“Keep it busy! I’ll try to drain some of it’s power!” J’hasi saw the draugr lifting its sword for another blow, darting in front of the Thalmor whelp to block the strike with a crash of steel.

“If you don’t have a blade, move it!” he snapped, shoving the undead back, away from both the elder and the whelp. The stagger was brief, long enough for the Khajiit to recover from the hot tear of pain in his shoulder before it lunged again, sword whistling over his head when he ducked, then darted to the side. He had to keep it away from the other two who didn’t have a blade to dance with. Which, considering his shoulder, would mean blocking would have to be last resort. As it was his shoulder felt like it was on fire, with only a snowflake’s breath in the center. He could see his dagger in the undead’s hand and hissed a little.

“I do believe that’s mine!” J’hasi spat at the draugr, darting just past it, grasping it’s arm and twisting it behind its back. He sharply tugged his dagger from it’s bony grip before kicking off and landing behind it.

“Thaaank you!” He tossed one of his blades to the Altmer on the ground, the ancient steel clattering over the old worn stone before he flipped his grip on his dagger, darting in again, aiming a glancing blow against undead flesh that didn’t yield to magic nor blade, but at least kept the thing’s attention on him.

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