Did I already message you? I’m looking for some roleplay partners!

[First contact!! And ye I’m down for fresh blood in this dusty part of Tumblr lmao, I’m sure I’m not the only one who is, either!]

When you get this, please respond with five things that make you happy~! Then, send to the last ten people in your notifications anonymously. You never know who might benefit from spreading positivity~! 🌼

[I was born ready for this day:

  1. rain
  2. food pizza I want now
  3. stories (I love me some stories, esp with my or my friends’ ocs)
  4. birds when they’re not 100% committed to running away from you so they just speedwalk really fast and try not to look too nervous
  5. cats. cats are good

I have many more things but these are the ones that came to me first.]

pumpkin spice!

Pumpkin Spice : Dream car?

………….I swoon over many different cars my dude… For instance:

I would love to have one of these, but unfortunately the cars I like aren’t very fuel efficient or within my budget :c

Cappuccino, Caramel Frappe, Hot Chocolate, Sparkling Water

Cappuccino : What’s your middle name?


Caramel Frappe : Favorite video game?

Answered! Though I’ll add that I greatly enjoyed my recent playthrough of Dishonored it made me have emotions all over the place I’m such a good dad ;A;

Hot Chocolate : Are you an affectionate person?

Yes and no. To a large majority of people I apparently seem very cold/distant and scary, or ‘antisocial’ (hint hint that is not what that word means :/). I’m pretty distant with people until I get a gauge on what kind of a person they are, and then I’ll proceed from there. The unfortunates that find themselves my friend will learn quickly that I am very fucking affectionate. I’m sort of like a distrustful doggo I suppose, I’m wary to give out trust but once you have earned it I will die for you lmao

Sparkling Water : Describe what qualities you look for in a person

Are they a people? Yes? Ok, they are a person then. (Idk what this question was expecting to answer??)

Jasmine Tea, Caramel Frappe, Mint Tea

Jasmine Tea : If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?

I’m not sure if I’m an oddity in this or not, but places don’t hold much attraction for me unless friends live there or are with me when I go to said place. Though if I could go to a huge forest with bigass trees, or the ocean, that would be a good place because 1) I love forests and 2) I have a lifetime goal of seeing the ocean with my own eyes at least once.

Caramel Frappe : Favorite video game?

It depends on what I’m in the mood for, but typically it’s a TES game of some sort. I hop between Morrowind and Skyrim as my favorite for different reasons, but probably the ultimate fave if comparing vanilla versions is Morrowind. It’s hard to beat your first favorites.

Mint Tea : How do you relax?

Doing nothing. The joke of ‘what are you doing today, nothing, oh so that means-, no I mean nothing’ holds for me for relaxation time nowadays. I’ll play games with snacks or tea or smthn and have nothing in my head other than what is fun to think about or what my state of being is at that point in time. Sometimes substitute games with watching videos or shows, doodling, writing aimless whatever, or just hanging with a friend via snapchat or skype, so long as I am not focused on anything other than the present (or idly planning future hopefuls with friends), it counts as relaxation time.


Also I got stuck between doing Sham or Sock. The guar won.

((I’ve just seen that poofed-up J’hasi is on your layout. Yes. Good. I approve. Have a sweet roll.))


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