The Khajiit scrubbed his face with his palms before pressing hard over his eyes. He’d been in the library all day today, still sore but seemed mostly healed up now, thank the Hist. He’d have to thank that mer in the inn again later. For now, he had to prepare for tonight, already feeling the pull, that tension at his muzzle, his teeth, the drool gathering in his mouth at the scents of his classmates downstairs… J’hasi swiped over his mouth, taking another piece of jerky from his pouch and tearing into it, chewing while he checked his bag.

Harness, spare clothes, waterskin…full, okay, soap… He sighed, pushing aside his shirt to expose the wrapped packages underneath. Venison, not that fresh and not that much, either. He wasn’t looking forward to tomorrow

morning, but he didn’t have time to hunt for better, or even just for more. J’hasi pushed his shirt down over the packages. While the scent was enough to get that rousing hunger’s attention deep inside of him, it was more interested in the Nord student passing by. Onmund? He rubbed his forehead, trying to keep the throbbing headache at bay. He couldn’t remember. Was he forgetting something…? …he couldn’t remember that, either. Xuth.

J’hasi sighed, grabbing his dagger and stuffing it down into his pack too before closing it up and slinging it over his back.

Once in the courtyard he shivered, the wind picking up and snow starting to fall more heavily, further blanketing the College in yet more white. When he got to the trapdoor near the windows he checked the courtyard briefly (empty) before opening it and climbing down the ladder, making sure to tug a little on the rung after closing to make sure it was shut.

The Khajiit sniffed the air carefully, finding it much like it had when he first found these tunnels, just with some of his own old scent lingering with the dust and cold. He just had to find someplace deep down within the tunnels where he could tie himself up to wait out the night.

Maybe the tunnels would muffle his howls too.

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