
A warm breeze rustled the tall grasses of the plain. It coaxed the dragon out of his slumber, long wings and muscles stretching in the midday sun. A heavy yawn followed.

It would have been a scenic, impressive sight; however, the half eaten mammoth carcass that rested a few feet away ruined the image.

It had been a day or two without sign of something to eat that should’ve tipped him off, honestly. J’hasi had been crossing one of the rare flat, warmish parts of Skyrim on an errand for Urag when he’d finally caught the scent of something edible. Hopefully tasty.

The Khajiit hadn’t realized that the scent of a fresh kill he’d been following was still guarded by its hunter, at least…not until what he’d taken for a huge rock was in fact alive, and worse, awake, its massive wingspan throwing a dark shadow over the ground. J’hasi’s fur rose on end at the sight of the massive creature’s jaws opening, the flash of sharp teeth lining them…

He darted behind the mammoth carcass, shaking, hoping that the giant reptilian…whatever it was didn’t have a good sense of smell.

[Ok, useless watermelon fact time!

They grow in tropical and sub-tropical regions, but since I live in a temperate area and we can grow watermelon (and the plant requires

25 °C (77 °F) and higher to thrive), it’s totally reasonable for Cyrodiil to grow watermelon, at least south of Bruma area, though Skyrim would definitely be out of range for growing it unless some particularly determined mage/horticulturist made a special greenhouse or something to grow them, so it would likely have to be imported.

Also apparently there is a kind of watermelon called ‘moon and stars’. This delights me.]



The Khajiit had a slight frown on his face, his eyelids at half-mast as he tried to keep them open, a small hiccup causing him to jolt a little and grimace as the swaying of the ground under him sharply worsened. He was trying to focus on a Dunmer nearby, the mer seemingly caught up in their own thoughts.

J’hasi’s ears laid back a little; the smell of the canal really wasn’t helping his stomach any. Maybe Black-Briar wasn’t as good as it claimed. But that wasn’t the point…what was he doing?

Oh. Right. The Dunmer.

They were heading towards an opening in the stone walls, red banners with blurred symbols on them marking the gap a little better. J’hasi had watched the mer for a while now. Something just didn’t sit right with him; he didn’t like how the mer moved. The Khajiit felt a little apprehension gripping his stomach, anxiety crawling up his throat.

Maybe it was just his body letting him know it had had enough, as he sharply doubled over the railing and emptied his stomach into the canal.

…maybe that’s why it smelled so bad…

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