Hitting The Books – Icarus/J’hasi

The Khajiit set down a new stack of books to check out on Urag’s desk, a soft puff of air barely rippling a page of the checkout tome. The Orismer got up wordlessly and started checking the titles, writing them down in a neat, tidy script in the checkout before allowing J’hasi to sign for them.

“You know the drill.” he rumbled, giving a stern look to the Khajiit, who nodded.

“No eating or drinking with them around, wash my hands before handling them, and if I damage them in any way, I will be painfully ripped apart by Atronachs.” he recited in a neutral deadpan. Urag rose a brow.

“Good. Glad that someone actually listens.” J’hasi let out a huff of breath, cricking his neck before carefully loading up the books into his pack. He paused before putting the last one in, looking up at the Orc, who in turn looked at him, already expecting a question from the Khajiit’s expression.

“What is it?” he asked, a little resigned to this student’s endless questions. J’hasi slipped the last book into his pack before fidgeting with his bandages, ears pulling back a little.

“Um… I…I need to learn about something we found in Saarthal.” Urag sighed.

“Finally getting on that project, are we?” The Khajiit felt a bit of heat touch at his face, a hint of a scowl pulling as well. Better now than right after the discovery when that old Thalmor fuck was asking him questions about it. He’d been far too interested as a mere ‘advisor’.

“Where is the alcohol? Please don’t tell me that I came to a party without any mead, at least.”

While J’hasi initially wanted to just tell the mer to fuck off, he instead smirked at the Thalmor whelp, tail curling mischievously behind him.

“Oh, you missed out. Nords and their booze, y’know. I got the last mug.” The Khajiit grinned before tipping back his tankard, gulping down the spiced mead, bringing up his opposite hand to signal him to hold on a moment until he had drank it all down in one go. He licked his chops, smacking his lips with a satisfied huff.

“Good stuff. Real shame.”

“Wait, where did you get that?” [Trond][calm down Trond it’s a festival]

J’hasi grinned, pushing the tankard full to the brim of mead into the Nord’s hands, the lingering tingle of enticing spice nibbling at his nose.

“I totally stole this. Enjoy.” he teased, his grin widening and eyes glinting with mirth.


TES Autumn Festival Starters { Part II }

{ Some more additions to this meme, because it’s fun! }

General —

“Where did you get that attire?”
“So, are you here for the excitement? Or only the alcohol?”
“Where is the alcohol? Please don’t tell me that I came to a party without any mead, at least.”
“I thought you weren’t one for crowds.”
“What is your favorite thing about the festival so far?”
“Maybe they should have made more food.”
“Oh my, is that ____? I was not expecting to see them here.”

Activities —

“Which horse are you betting on for the race?”
“Is that your horse? It’s beautiful! Do you think he’ll/she’ll win?”
“Are you taking part in anything this evening?”
“Hey! Let’s go watch the sparring competition!”
“Wanna be my opponent in the sparring event?”
“You’re entering the talent show? What’s your act?”
“I’m entering the talent show! I’m going to ____!”

For Dates/Potential Dates —

“Can you get me a drink?”
“Would you like me to get you a drink?”
“Wow, your date is fetching!”
“I’m glad you’re here with me.”
“Want to go for a stroll, away from all of the commotion for a bit?”
“How did I get so lucky to be the one to attend this event with you?”
“You know, after this, I think I might like to ask you out again, if you’ll have me.”
“There are no words to describe how magnificent you look in that wardrobe.”

TES Autumn Festival Starters


[ A sentence starter meme for this week’s Autumn Festival. Fill in the blanks as needed, and feel free to alter the sentences as you desire! ]

General —

  • “Let me introduce myself. My name is ___”
  • “Are you enjoying yourself?”
  • “Did you travel far to get here?”
  • “You don’t look too happy to be here.”
  • “The food is amazing!”
  • “I think it’s time to go head to the tavern.”
  • “Were you expecting it to be this crowded?”
  • “Are you ____? My friend ____ told me about you.”
  • “I didn’t know you were going to be here!”

Activities —

  • “Do you know when the archery competition is going to start?”
  • “What were you planning on doing next?”
  • “So what all have you done so far?”
  • “I hear music!”
  • “Someone told me they were going to have ____. Is that true?”
  • “Are you going to go watch ____?”
  • “Do you want to go do ____ with me?”
  • “Wait, where did you get that ____?”

For Dates/Potential Dates —

  • “Are you here by yourself?”
  • “Is that your date?”
  • “Would you be interested in being my date?”
  • “We should go dance together.”
  • “I want to do whatever you want to do.”
  • “Maybe you and I could do ____ together?”
  • “I bought/won this for you. It’s a ____!”
  • “I think you look stunning.”
  • “Maybe I want to show you off a bit. Is that wrong?”
  • “I’m getting sort of tired. Want to go find a place to sit down for a moment?”

Ancano’s Fucking Bitch Fit – Ancano/Icarus/J’hasi


Ancano stiffened his lower lip, brows crooked at the khajiits very obvious distaste of him. Still, there was a light snort in amusement at the comment towards that useless subordinate of his. The lightheartedness, however, was finished as quickly as it was started. He had questions, and he wanted answers. Now.

“Something was discovered in Saarthal that was significant enough that Tolfdir sent two new members of the college, alone, to deliver word…”

He crossed his arms, clutching the arm of his robes. There was no doubt in his mind that the khajiit was on to him. He needed to keep an eye on him…

“That sounds precisely like the sort of thing that should matter to everyone.” His voice lowered ever so lightly, “Especially me.”

He took a step back from the khajiit, glancing behind him at his two subordinates, who were now struggling to peel the ice from the shorter ones mouth, before making eye contact at the khajiit one last time.

“Thank you for your… ‘help.’ You may go now.”

The Khajiit shrugged, rolling his eyes as he turned to leave, trying to appear as aloof as possible with a muttered ‘whatever’ while also being intensely aware of the Thalmor’s scent, the sound of his heart, wanting to be sure he wasn’t going to follow or stab him or…something while his back was turned before he left. He pushed the door open a little wider than usual, or necessary, letting in a blast of frigid Skyrim morning air, trying not to smirk but failing at the thought of the Thalmor whelp’s shrieking at the chill, if his mouth wasn’t currently frozen shut.

J’hasi pulled his scarf up over his mouth and nose, huffing out a breath in the cold before heading for the Arcaneum for his usual morning visit before class began. Part of him wanted to research what they had found, or at least the amulet, but…it seemed unwise for right now. The old fuck was far too interested.

A day or two, maybe. Some time for Ancano’s interest to die down, and if he was spying on him, long enough to lure the bastard’s guard down. The Khajiit smirked a little under his scarf, glad he already had a routine of going to the library every day, several times a day. It made things a lot easier, and honestly it was child’s play compared to what he had to do in the past when dealing with the Thalmor. He just had to be patient…

Truth Serum — “Are you a slave to your nature, too, then?”

For a moment, the Khajiit was quiet, an unblinking stare locked on the Dunmer’s eyes, his ears pinned back. He took a slow breath, still not breaking eye contact.

“You have no idea. How many years. It took me. To get this far.” he stated thinly, his voice low and tightly controlled. J’hasi took a sharp step forward and grabbed the mer’s collar, yanking him closer so that his face was mere inches from the Khajiit’s own, teeth bared as he spoke again, quieter and with the cutting undertone of a very real threat simmering under the surface.

“And I can just as easily snap…right back to that nature. Just. Like. That.” he hissed, snapping his fingers as his teeth clicked together, shoving the mer back and out of his space. J’hasi shoved his hands into his pockets, tail swishing behind him, eyes still staring, unblinking, pupils thin slits against brillant green.

“I am under no delusions that I am safe to be around. I’ve just had lots of practice.”

Truth Serum — “How do you feel about vampires who do not serve Molag Bal, or any Daedra? I answer to none. I am not my kind. I am only Dalamus. Frankly, I cannot stand most of my kind, either.”

J’hasi’s tail swished sharply behind him, eyes narrowed.

“Most vampires I run into don’t deal with daedra, and honestly they were bad enough on their own. The only vampires I’ve met walking among normal people seemed to get a kick out of being a wolf among sheep, and if you don’t answer to anyone other than yourself, that’s even worse. You’re unpredictable. And I am not taking risks when you’ve got those fangs and thirst for blood, fiend.” The Khajiit’s muzzle wrinkled even more before putting a hand on the hilt of his dagger, fingers curling, resting over Elvish steel, but not drawing just yet.

“And I don’t get along with most weres, that doesn’t automatically make you better than the rest of your kind. It could be as simple as disliking competition to disagreeing with one’s hunting methods. You aren’t special. You’re just as much a slave to your nature as anyone else cursed like this.”

Taking advantage of this truth serum! — “Why do you hate me, exactly? I am not overly fond of you, either, but I am curious if your hatred is specific to me or vampires in general.”

The Khajiit’s ears flicked back.

“If you had been captured by vampires and used as cattle and an outlet for clan frustration for weeks, only to become infected yourself and forcing you to seek out Molag Bal for a cure, would you be overly fond of vampires? Because trust me, you do not want to have an audience with Molag Bal.” J’hasi spat, canines bared.

“I have more than enough reason to hate your kind, so fuck. Off.”

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