School is not for Horsing Around- TAKE 2 Icarus/Jhasi


“Oh, by the stars…” Icarus curled his lips inward, grumbling when he saw that damnable cat make his way into the hall.

“Alright uh-… O-kay, th-thats everyone.” The mer glanced over the students, “My n-name is Al-… Alabyn in c-case you have-…” he cleared his throat, “In case y-you haven’t seen me around b-before.”

The justiciar couldn’t his eyes further into his head. Gods, even the introduction felt like a century to get out of his mouth. He would’ve rather risked getting sick from Faralda at this point, he’d be learning quicker, at least. He twitched a little when the new instructor plopped his hand onto some tomes with a deep thud.

“Fa-Faralda has inf-f-f- informed me that you guys are on your-your- your second week on p-p-pyromancy. Are m-most of you here fa-fa-f-f-… familiar with the firebolt spell?”

Some hands were raised, others shuffled around awkwardly. Icarus was struggling to stay awake, and this Alabyn was definitely not helping.

Hoo boy..” the mer leaned over the podium, fingers against his temple, “Right then, th-these bad boys should have you c-c-covered for th- uh– th–th-the class. Please bring th-the- bring them back in th-th-the same c-c-condition they came in. I get absolutely thrilled listening t-t-to Urag p-p-piss and moan about the uh– th-th-the condition of these tomes.”

“Right uh… Hm, th-theres five of you…  Onmund, Brelyna, and J’– Excuse me– J-J-J’zargo? I’ll uh– I’ll have you three in a group. And–”

Oh no.

He was not getting teamed up with that damned cat again.

Icarus lifted his hand, “With all due respect, there had been some…” he cleared his throat,complications last time Tolfdir teamed us up together.” the justiciar protested, “Would it be too much to ask if you moved the cat with the others and I’ll take one of them?”

The instructor stretched his lips, “If I can– If I can handle a c-c-couple days in an Oblivion Gate, I’m q-q-quite sure you can handle uh- uh– a khajiit for roughly an hour. Icarus and J’hasi, you two are together. Get to it.”

J’hasi grimaced, ears flicking back under his hood. Great. So not only was the whelp in the same room as him, he had to deal with his bullshit firsthand too. While the Oblivion gate comment from his apparent new professor piqued his curiosity, the Khajiit kept his mouth shut and his head down when he went up to grab a spelltome, heading towards an open spot in the hall that easily kept the whelp and his superior in his sight, while keeping some distance from Alabyn.

“What, afraid that ‘the cat’ will show you up again?” J’hasi muttered under his breath as he passed the Thalmor whelp, the lack of uniform weirding him out a bit honestly. He’d almost look like a normal student, if arrogant out the ass and with a foul temper to match. The Khajiit set the book down behind one of the pillars to keep it out of harm’s way, rubbing his hands together before running over the firebolt spell in his head. While he wasn’t a complete novice with it, it was still new enough to him that he didn’t feel confident that he was doing it right, and his typical problems with casting really did not help.

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