Hitting The Books – Icarus/J’hasi

The Khajiit set down a new stack of books to check out on Urag’s desk, a soft puff of air barely rippling a page of the checkout tome. The Orismer got up wordlessly and started checking the titles, writing them down in a neat, tidy script in the checkout before allowing J’hasi to sign for them.

“You know the drill.” he rumbled, giving a stern look to the Khajiit, who nodded.

“No eating or drinking with them around, wash my hands before handling them, and if I damage them in any way, I will be painfully ripped apart by Atronachs.” he recited in a neutral deadpan. Urag rose a brow.

“Good. Glad that someone actually listens.” J’hasi let out a huff of breath, cricking his neck before carefully loading up the books into his pack. He paused before putting the last one in, looking up at the Orc, who in turn looked at him, already expecting a question from the Khajiit’s expression.

“What is it?” he asked, a little resigned to this student’s endless questions. J’hasi slipped the last book into his pack before fidgeting with his bandages, ears pulling back a little.

“Um… I…I need to learn about something we found in Saarthal.” Urag sighed.

“Finally getting on that project, are we?” The Khajiit felt a bit of heat touch at his face, a hint of a scowl pulling as well. Better now than right after the discovery when that old Thalmor fuck was asking him questions about it. He’d been far too interested as a mere ‘advisor’.

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