Truth Serum — “Are you a slave to your nature, too, then?”

For a moment, the Khajiit was quiet, an unblinking stare locked on the Dunmer’s eyes, his ears pinned back. He took a slow breath, still not breaking eye contact.

“You have no idea. How many years. It took me. To get this far.” he stated thinly, his voice low and tightly controlled. J’hasi took a sharp step forward and grabbed the mer’s collar, yanking him closer so that his face was mere inches from the Khajiit’s own, teeth bared as he spoke again, quieter and with the cutting undertone of a very real threat simmering under the surface.

“And I can just as easily snap…right back to that nature. Just. Like. That.” he hissed, snapping his fingers as his teeth clicked together, shoving the mer back and out of his space. J’hasi shoved his hands into his pockets, tail swishing behind him, eyes still staring, unblinking, pupils thin slits against brillant green.

“I am under no delusions that I am safe to be around. I’ve just had lots of practice.”

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