TES Autumn Festival Starters


[ A sentence starter meme for this week’s Autumn Festival. Fill in the blanks as needed, and feel free to alter the sentences as you desire! ]

General —

  • “Let me introduce myself. My name is ___”
  • “Are you enjoying yourself?”
  • “Did you travel far to get here?”
  • “You don’t look too happy to be here.”
  • “The food is amazing!”
  • “I think it’s time to go head to the tavern.”
  • “Were you expecting it to be this crowded?”
  • “Are you ____? My friend ____ told me about you.”
  • “I didn’t know you were going to be here!”

Activities —

  • “Do you know when the archery competition is going to start?”
  • “What were you planning on doing next?”
  • “So what all have you done so far?”
  • “I hear music!”
  • “Someone told me they were going to have ____. Is that true?”
  • “Are you going to go watch ____?”
  • “Do you want to go do ____ with me?”
  • “Wait, where did you get that ____?”

For Dates/Potential Dates —

  • “Are you here by yourself?”
  • “Is that your date?”
  • “Would you be interested in being my date?”
  • “We should go dance together.”
  • “I want to do whatever you want to do.”
  • “Maybe you and I could do ____ together?”
  • “I bought/won this for you. It’s a ____!”
  • “I think you look stunning.”
  • “Maybe I want to show you off a bit. Is that wrong?”
  • “I’m getting sort of tired. Want to go find a place to sit down for a moment?”

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