
TES Autumn Festival Starters { Part II }

{ Some more additions to this meme, because it’s fun! }

General —

“Where did you get that attire?”
“So, are you here for the excitement? Or only the alcohol?”
“Where is the alcohol? Please don’t tell me that I came to a party without any mead, at least.”
“I thought you weren’t one for crowds.”
“What is your favorite thing about the festival so far?”
“Maybe they should have made more food.”
“Oh my, is that ____? I was not expecting to see them here.”

Activities —

“Which horse are you betting on for the race?”
“Is that your horse? It’s beautiful! Do you think he’ll/she’ll win?”
“Are you taking part in anything this evening?”
“Hey! Let’s go watch the sparring competition!”
“Wanna be my opponent in the sparring event?”
“You’re entering the talent show? What’s your act?”
“I’m entering the talent show! I’m going to ____!”

For Dates/Potential Dates —

“Can you get me a drink?”
“Would you like me to get you a drink?”
“Wow, your date is fetching!”
“I’m glad you’re here with me.”
“Want to go for a stroll, away from all of the commotion for a bit?”
“How did I get so lucky to be the one to attend this event with you?”
“You know, after this, I think I might like to ask you out again, if you’ll have me.”
“There are no words to describe how magnificent you look in that wardrobe.”

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