Guilt- Aldaril/Jhasi


The soldier lifted his head just enough to see that it was the Khajiit from Icarus’ classes, but slowly lowered his head back down.

Aldaril clenched the neck of the bottle before he took another long swig. Gods no, he did not want to answer that question. His breathing shuddered as he took a moment to figure out how to explain to the Khajiit that he had destroyed a family earlier that day.

“Just a-… Just another rough day at– at work.”

Aldarils eyes rolled back to the khajiit, “It was J’hasi, wasn’ it? Yer… yer in my- uh, my brothers classes, yeah?” He took another gulp from the bottle. “M’sorry you gotta deal with all of that… He-… He used to not be like tha’, I dunno what happened to ‘im.” He slammed the bottle onto the pelt covering most of the floor. “The hell am I sayin’? ‘Course I know what happened to ‘im. Th-this godsdamned job happened to ‘im, thats what.” He lifted his hand to his face, fingers pressing firmly against his brows, “But hey, tha’s my fault right? I’m th’ only reason he’s here after all.”

He shook his head, looking at the empty bottle in his hand “I jus’ wanted to keep m’ family safe, y’know? Not murderin’ sh- civilians over petty religious politics.”

A ‘rough day at work’? That sure was a hell of a way of putting it. Now that he was closer to the source, J’hasi could smell other scents mixed with the blood, unfamiliar, but he could smell fear, the whelp… The Khajiit jumped at the bottle hitting the floor, tail puffing behind him. He slowly relaxed as the mer kept talking, ears pulling back a little as he listened.

He wasn’t sure if getting closer was a good idea or not, but it seemed that Aldaril was more of an upset drunk than a violent one. The Khajiit slowly sat down on the floor near the end of the bed, thinking over what he was going to say before he said it, keeping some distance in case he was wrong and Aldaril was in fact a violent drunk.

“M’pretty sure anyone who goes into any sort of organized force has similar intentions, and those higher up the chain wouldn’t say anything to the contrary. Anything to get bodies in the army and swords in their hands.” Granted, his reason for joining the Blades was very different. The Emperor got him out of prison solely to use him to consolidate power in a province he couldn’t take by force, and if he refused to do what he was told…

J’hasi shook his head. Focus. He could get some information here. Maybe even something useful to use against the Thalmor stalking the students and staff. Even if Aldaril hadn’t really bothered anyone here, maybe…something to use against his brother or his superior. Anything. He swallowed, then tried to appear more at ease, pulling his knees up to his chest and folding his arms over them.

“You really can’t blame yourself for choices he makes. They’re his own. I don’t see you pushing him when he runs off to do something stupid.”

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