
‘Aye, he likes to keep his job and his personal life separate. He didn’t mean anything by it. Probably.’

Either Haaki didn’t realise he was flagrantly breaking Trond’s rule of not mixing personal and professional life, or, as was more likely, he didn’t care. He watched the last guardsman hurry around the corner with idle interest.

‘And no. No, he doesn’t. So I take it you must’ve seen him in a, uh… professional capacity, then?’ He grinned. ‘Don’t worry. Me and Trond are… very different. I’m not going to haul you up to Dragonsreach or anything.’

The Khajiit grinned.

“Well good, I’m not sure you’d be up for the challenge. I prefer to make my arrests interesting for the guard, keep ‘em on their toes.” he teased, the tip of his tail curling in amusement.

“He hasn’t put me in shackles or anything, no. I think he’s just trying to find a crime to pin on me that doesn’t require much paperwork after the arrest. Or confiscating ‘stolen goods’ of the sweet and sugary sort.”

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