🍎, πŸ“², and πŸ‘β€πŸ—¨ ?

🍎- For something they secretly wish did exist

The Khajiit sighed, rubbing his face.

β€œI’m no good at these sort of questions…” His head dropped back, leaning on the cool stone wall he was enjoying the shade of, thinking with his eyes shut. He rubbed the back of his neck as his head dropped back down with another sigh.

β€œI guess…some sort of peace between people. Not just between races, but between individuals too. I just…I really hate seeing people hurt each other for stupid reasons. I’ve seen more than I care to.”

πŸ“²- Talk about someone/something you dislike, but only pretend to like

J’hasi looked physically uncomfortable, fidgeting with the edges of his bandages over his hands.

β€œUm… Hist, this sounds really terrible without context… I really…really am not alright with young children ever since…” He swallowed, looking down, ears flicking back.

β€œI don’t mind them as much when they’re behaving and somewhat quiet, but when they screech and dart around…” The Khajiit swiped over the back of his mouth quickly, the white spots of his ears flushing a light pink.

β€œI’ll be kind to them and sometimes play if they wish, but…I really…do not like playing tag with them. It’s…it’s too much for my…condition…”

πŸ‘β€πŸ—¨- Talk about someone/something you like, but pretend to dislike

He huffed.

β€œWhat’s the point of liking something and pretending otherwise? I like warm fireplaces, I’ll purr if I want to! I like fish and milk and that’s no ones’ business but my own!” J’hasi folded his arms crossly, ears flattened to the sides of his head.

β€œIt’s stupid, somehow being ashamed of something that brings you happiness. Hist knows there’s little enough of it to be had in the first place, why ruin it?”

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