overwatch starters


 i play to win.  
❝  this is my curse. ❞ 
❝  wait for me! ❞ 

❝  your mother would’ve been proud of you. ❞

❝  let us hope for a different outcome. ❞ 

❝  sorry it’s such a mess in here. i-i wasn’t expecting company. ❞

❝  this is going to make you feel better. ❞

❝  the true enemy of humanity is disorder. ❞ 
❝  a steady blade balances the soul. ❞ 
❝  this is just like old times. ❞ 
❝  even here i feel an outcast. ❞ 

❝  think you can do my job, do you… ❞

❝  all eyes on me! ❞ 

❝  ooh, this is my jam. ❞

❝  got your aim from your mom, i see. ❞

❝  i’ll feast on your soul. ❞ 
❝  cheers, love! the cavalry’s here! ❞ 
❝   our paths cross for now. as to the future, we shall see. ❞ 
❝   we could’ve built an empire together. ❞ 
❝   ah. just setting foot here sets my soul at ease. ❞ 
❝  this time, stay down. ❞ 

❝  can i get your autograph? ❞

❝  why are you so angry? ❞

❝  ever get that feeling of déjà vu? ❞ 
❝  i am a different man now. i am whole. ❞ 
❝  over my dead body. ❞ 

❝   i’m on top of the world! ❞

❝  i’m patched up. ❞ 

❝  kids today with techno music. you should enjoy the classics, like hasselhoff. ❞

❝   what’s wrong? don’t you recognize me? ❞ 
❝   aren’t you warm wearing all that? ❞ 

❝  can’t stop, won’t stop. ❞

❝  i’ll race ya! ❞

❝   mock death at your own peril. ❞ 
❝  this time, i will finish the job. ❞ 

❝  death is an illusion. ❞

❝  look at this team! we’re gonna do great. ❞

❝  i am beyond redemption. ❞

❝   it looks like we will be working together. ❞ 
❝   you’ve rescued me again. ❞ 

❝  i will not be defeated so easily. ❞

❝  treasure? s-sure, i don’t know anything you’re talking about. ❞ 

❝  so this is what has become of you? a pity.❞

❝  you’re so amazing! you inspire me. ❞ 
❝  i miss him greatly. ❞ 
❝  there is nowhere to hide. ❞ 
❝  whatcha’ lookin’ at? ❞ 

❝  woo, nothing’s gonna stop me. ❞

❝  that was your dream, not mine. ❞ 
❝  what you call freedom is an illusion that causes more harm than good. ❞ 
❝  hehe, there’s something on your dress.. ❞ 

❝  you have been judged! ❞

❝   i have the upper hand this time. ❞ 

❝  traitor! ❞

❝  you will never amount to anything! ❞

❝  i’ve got my eye on you. ❞

❝  lot of memories of this place. they weren’t all bad. ❞

❝  the heart of a man still beats inside of me. ❞ 

❝  stay out of trouble. ❞

❝  step into my parlor said the spider to the fly. ❞

❝  one shot, one kill. ❞

❝  don’t think i’m happy about that. ❞ 

❝  now this place? makes me wanna be an atheist. ❞

❝  our world is worth fighting for. ❞

❝  you haven’t aged a day. what’s your secret? ❞

❝  ooooh, shiny! ❞

❝  oh, did that sting? ❞

❝  heroes never die. ❞

❝  where does it hurt? ❞

❝  you’re just a no-good bully. ❞

❝  i’m a one-man apocalypse. ❞

❝  you should look somewhere else. ❞

❝  you said you would arm wrestle me. nervous? ❞

❝  i learned that from my brother. ❞ 

❝  i hope nobody saw that. ❞

❝  on a scale of one to ten, how is your pain? ❞

❝  i’m not a miracle worker. well… not always. ❞

❝  this was once my home. no longer. ❞

❝  sorry! sorry, i’m sorry. sorry. ❞

❝  i remember being here. it was good for my tan. ❞

❝  wish i’d practice my japanese more, konichiwa! ❞

❝  you need a time out. ❞ 

❝  you might not want to tell your friends about that. ❞

❝  guess we know who’s really on top, don’t we? ❞

❝  with every death, comes honor. with honor, redemption. ❞

❝  a punishment for your crimes. ❞ 

❝  i will be on my best behaviour. ❞

❝  you think there’s something worth stealing in that temple? ❞

❝  people should be free. ❞ 

❝  you were never my equal. ❞

❝  death walks among you. ❞ 
❝   last i checked, i didn’t ask for your opinion. ❞ 
❝   you can’t be serious. ❞ 
❝   they’re back. ❞ 
❝   armor? how positively primitive. ❞
❝   now this is my kinda city, everyone’s free to live as they choose. ❞

❝   you need a time out. ❞ 
❝   die! die! die! ❞ 
❝   to think i would have to work with a street ruffian. ❞ 
❝   death comes. ❞ 
❝   one of these days someone is gonna to put an end to you. ❞ 

❝   that which doesn’t kill you…makes you stronger.. ❞

❝   well. you sure take to this bad guy thing easily, don’t ya? ❞

❝   aren’t you supposed to be dead? ❞

❝  i’ll tell you my secret if you give me your coat. ❞

❝   sleep. ❞

❝  never liked you much. ❞

❝  never leave a teammate behind. ❞

❝  together we are strong. ❞

❝  you won’t get rid of me that easily. ❞

❝  i don’t even think children are afraid of you. ❞

❝  i taught you everything you know. ❞

❝  it’s hard to just sit around knowing there’s someone out there that needs to be blown up. ❞

❝  i’ll put an end to your sad story. ❞

❝  you havin’ trouble keeping up? ❞

❝  i have destroyed more of your kind than i can count. ❞

❝ it’s a perfect day for some mayhem. ❞

❝  we’re all soldiers now. ❞

❝  give me your best shot. ❞

❝   you knew exactly what were you doing. ❞
❝   knock me down, and i’ll keep getting back up. ❞
❝   you always did have a high opinion of yourself. ❞

❝   i’m not a young man anymore. ❞

❝  still trying to play hero? ❞

❝  i sometimes wonder if your height is why you’re always in such a bad mood. ❞

❝  this is no place for children. ❞

❝  the world could always use more heroes. ❞

❝  looked in a mirror lately? ❞

❝  Me one, bad guys zero. ❞

❝  i’m gonna have to shoot you down. ❞

❝  this old dog has learned a few tricks. ❞
❝  another one off the list. ❞

❝  i love your glasses, so cute! ❞

❝  if at first you don’t succeed…blow it up again! ❞

❝  that’s for my family back home! ❞

❝  i’ve got you in my sights. ❞

❝  i’m the one who does his job. i’m thinking… you’re the other one. ❞

❝   you weren’t given those guns to toss them away like trash. ❞ 

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