Childhood Memories


Send in a number and my muse will talk about:

  1. An old childhood friend
  2. A time when they got lost
  3. A fear they used to have (or perhaps, still have)
  4. Their favorite food
  5. Food they used to avoid but like now
  6. An old enemy/bully
  7. Their family
  8. Their earliest memory
  9. An adventure they had
  10. An object they kept
  11. Their favorite toy/past time
  12. A time they got hurt
  13. A happy time
  14. A sad time
  15. Things they used to believe in but perhaps not anymore
  16. A dream of the future they used to have
  17. A vivid dream/nightmare
  18. Something that scared them
  19. Something that made them laugh
  20. Their favorite relative/person
  21. Their childhood hero
  22. Something they used to collect 
  23. Their favorite animal
  24. Free question. Ask something not listed! 

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