HUMBLE. -How does your muse handle praise?

Depends on the person giving it. Usually J’hasi’s default is surprise, then feeling kinda better about himself for a short while afterwards. He doesn’t say much, but the way it makes him feel is very clear in his expression and body language.

If it’s from someone who doesn’t usually give out praise, the most he’d say is like an ‘oh, really?’ and then be a little confused afterwards, with or without the feelgood feeling. (e.g. Astarill giving genuine praise)

If it’s from someone he looks up to, he’ll be surprised, then a big stupid grin will be on his face and he’ll feel pretty good about himself afterwards, but rarely says much. (e.g. Sees-In-Mist teaching him when he was a hatchling)

If it’s from someone he’s usually antagonistic with, which is typically returned, he’ll have the split second of surprise before he realizes it’s genuine and not sarcasm, and then turn right into a smirk, typically accompanied by some sort of quip or remark. (e.g. gods forbid if Icarus ever praised J’hasi ever)

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