Under Saarthal – Icarus/J’hasi


Icarus immediately regretted going back outside.

The blistering winds bit his cheeks and the snow nearly went up to his knees. The mile and a half trip back to Winterhold seemed like it was going to last for an eternity. “Godsdammit,” Icarus snarled to him, “Whenever I said ‘I miss the sea breeze at home,’ this is the exact opposite of what I meant.” It was much windier than it was this morning, gods know, there was probably a blizzard on the way. Icarus glared back at the khajiit slowly trailing behind him. “Move it cat!” The justiciar snapped, “I don’t plan on us both dying out here from hypothermia because you’re fucking around back there.”

He hated this province.

He hated its run down cities. He hated the half-witted lesser races running all over the place. He hated the Stormcloak buffoons who pretty much dragged him into this icy shithole.
He just hated this province so godsdamned much.

Speaking of lesser races, he made a made another glare back at the Khajiit; had to make sure the furry bastard didn’t try anything funny.

He was losing too much blood.

The icicle had mostly melted out of his wound, leaving it open and bleeding despite the pressure he was putting on it. The Khajiit was going to wait longer for the whelp to get tired before he made his move, but as it was his hands were shaking, and it would only get worse. J’hasi picked up the pace a little, shooting a glare right back at the Altmer, acting annoyed but casual, conserving his strength. He needed to get that amulet away from him, it was too much of a risk with him being Thalmor and himself an on-the-run Blade. Who knows what that thing could do to the whelp’s magicka.

So…obviously…carefully pickpocketing it from him was the plan.

Barely a brush against the collar of those robes, something that could easily be explained by the rough wind snatching at their clothes, and…the Khajiit tripped a little, some rock under the snow or something, and he felt something pop against his fingers, a silver chain pooling in his hand, and…

Wait…this wasn’t the amulet. It was a round bit of quartz with a mess of intricate curls of silver around the outside with some glass and sapphire set in. Nothing like the amulet he remembered. J’hasi stared at it, perplexed and confused.

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