Under Saarthal – Icarus/J’hasi


While those two were absorbed with the giant mystery sphere, Icarus had his attention elsewhere- specifically the burial urns lying about the tomb. For the most part, there wasnt anything special in any of them: a minor magicka potion, a couple of gold pieces here and there (though some gold was better than no gold, yeah?) The justiciar gave an incredibly vocal “Oooh!” as he managed to pull a small gem from one of the urns. Nothing too valuable looking, but had to worth at least something. Tolfdir’s voice stopped him in his tracks.
“Excuse me, Icarus?”
The Altmer, took a deep inhale- Sure, the cat digs through other peoples stuff, no one blinks an eye, but the second he does it to people who are dead and dont need it anymore–

“Yes sir?”
“I’d appreciate if you accompanied J’hasi back to the college, please. It’d be better if you both went in case one of you gets hurt.”

Icarus stretched one side of his mouth before replying with “Yes sir.”

The justiciar gave one shuddering glance at the draugr before glaring at the khajiiti student next to him, “Lets move, cat. The sooner we get out of this frozen shithole, the better.”

The Khajiit shot a glare at the Thalmor whelp, tail swishing sharply before he turned away to take a knee next to the fallen draugr. He had a bad feeling in his gut and a prickle in his fur about all this. Leaving Tolfdir here alone, the whelp with that amulet…he tugged his dagger out of its chest with a squelch of congealed…something. That ghost…apparition thing…whatever it was…telling him that he’d set something in motion… It all just felt like he’d stumbled upon something that reeked of trouble.

J’hasi’s fingers brushed something as he wiped his blade clean, startling him a little. He looked down, an amulet and a piece of parchment peeking out from under the draugr’s armor, catching his eye. His back was to the Thalmor brat, so slipping it into his pocket while sheathing his dagger was easy. He’d investigate it later. He tried to tug the sword out of the undead’s chest too, only to gasp and give up at the hot shooting pain in his shoulder. Right. Not trying that again.

The Khajiit got up, spotting a staff on the table nearby, where the draugr had been previously seated. Tolfdir was busy with the orb, thus giving him a perfect opportunity to lock eyes with the Altmer whelp, nonchalantly taking the staff. While it wasn’t his spear, it would be a suitable surrogate until he could get back to the College. He spotted a door behind the orb, heading towards that with a flick of his tail.

If he didn’t have to use the staff, then it could always afford him a few textbooks. Or some replacement robes…

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