Magnus rises in the Atronach


“I should hope you are familiar with the theory that the energy commonly denoted as ‘magicka’ falls to Mundus from Aetherius in its raw form, and that every entity within Mundus has a quantifiable capacity to absorb, store and transform this energy into a workable form – yes?”  

He left the Khajiit little time to answer, rising from his seat. “Among those born during the period when the constellation of the Atronach stands in the sky where the sun rises, there are a few individuals that are severely limited if not wholly incapable of processing magicka in its pure, Aetherial form. They can only absorb transformed magicka, and deprived as they are, they will do so much more readily than anyone else. I think you’ll find that’s your problem.”

He crossed his arms and leaned himself back against the desk. “If you care to break your head over the ‘why’ of the matter, I suggest you seek out an astronomer. Or lacking that, a scholar at a temple, if you can stand that kind of people. But for now, I believe your priority ought to be to familiarize yourself with your relative position in the cosmos and learn to compensate for it.”

He wasn’t familiar, no, but…some of it sounded faintly familiar (if confusing for a moment or two afterwards while he worked out roughly what was said, anyways). Was it something he read, or had it just been briefly mentioned in class? He’d have to look at his notes… The Khajiit’s attention snapped back to the mer when he stood, his tail curling a little closer to his legs before Astarill moved to lean against his desk instead. J’hasi’s ears flicked back a little at mention of temple scholars, but otherwise was still until his tail tip started ticking back and forth, thinking.

“So…um… Me being born under the Atronach is why I can’t…get my spells to work?” he asked, eyes flicking back up from where they’d been focused elsewhere while thinking, ears cocked. He wasn’t exactly sure what was all meant, with absorbing m-

His thoughts stopped dead, eyebrows rising a little for a moment. Was that why spells didn’t always hurt him? At the time he’d just been grateful for what he’d thought was other mages messing up on their magic, but… Dargzalzi had mentioned him being difficult to cast spells on, all the troubles with Colette and nearly every other healer that had attempted to heal him with magic, and the many, many times he’d been struck with blasts of fire, shock, Illusion and Alteration magics alike when some times they’d do something, others they just….

They usually just felt like how his hands did when he cast the spell. Tingly, weird, but he wasn’t hurt. J’hasi’s eyes flicked back to the Altmer’s, tail still.

“I…I had no idea that…” He frowned, a bit of confusion still lingering.

“Wait, so that would affect my own spells too? I mean, sometimes I can cast them, but sometimes they blow up in my face too.”

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