Under Saarthal – Icarus/J’hasi


Icarus dug his gloves into the cold stone ground. He pulled himself away from underneath the dueling couple. The mer jumped a little when the cat chucked a blade in his direction. Icarus got himself back on his feet, taking his attention to the giant globe, which was now under attack from his instructor.

“There!” Tolfdir shouted, only a few feet from the vivid sphere, electricity spewing from his palms. “Now attack it!”

The justiciar looked back at the blade before him. His lips stretched, “Thanks cat,”  he uttered as his fist clenched a golden hilt tucked at the side of his belt.“but I ain’t gonna need that.”  He gave a heavy swallow, taking a moment to study the draugr. It was only one, the two of them should be able to handle this if what Tolfdir suggested was true. Icarus lunged himself at the shambling corpse, ramming his dagger into the back of the draugrs knee. He tore through the dried up tendons as he ripped the dagger from the side. “Down you go you stinky bastard.” The mer sneered. He could not help but be somewhat proud of his handiwork there. He jumped back, yelping when the draugr, while crippled, violently whipped its head in his directions.

Gods those eyes gave him the creeps.

Whatever the whelp did, it drew the undead’s attention from him for just a moment, long enough to act on Tolfdir’s word and give his dagger a nice new resting place sheathed deep in the draugr’s chest. He dropped back only for a moment to avoid a wild slash in his direction, narrowly dodging the worst of the pair of ice shards cast at him immediately after. One gazed his cheek while the other went wide, crashing harmlessly on the wall far behind him. He sprang back at the draugr, slicing through it’s chest with his sword, then slamming an elbow in it’s jaw, breaking its neck and ow-right wrong arm…

J’hasi landed a bit heavily on the stone, his free hand grabbing his shoulder that was aggravated by the final blow, watching their opponent crash to the ground with a gurgling growl. He walked over to sheathe his sword into it’s chest one more time, leaving it there, just in case as the soulfire eyes sputtered out and died. He panted, swiping over his mouth with the back of his hand, flinching a little from his shoulder before turning to look at the other two, then at the barrier that dissipated, leaving the massive orb exposed.

“I’m not the only one seeing this, am I?” Tolfdir asked, voice awed. “Why, this is utterly unique!” The Khajiit looked at the elder, ears cocked under his hood.

“What is this thing?”

“I have no idea! This is amazing! Absolutely amazing! The Arch-Mage needs to be informed immediately. He needs to see this for himself!” Tolfdir looked back at the Khajiit.

“I don’t dare leave this unattended. Can you return to the College and inform Savos Aren of this discovery? Please, hurry.” J’hasi swallowed.

“Um…what should I tell him?” Tolfdir turned back to the orb, excitement and curiosity written all over his face.

“Let him know that we’ve unearthed something… Well, I’m not sure. Something unique, let’s say. It’s clearly magical in nature, but like nothing I’ve ever seen before. He should be most interested.” J’hasi gave a sideways glance to the Thalmor whelp lingering nearby.

“…will you be alright by yourself?”

“Oh, I think I’ll be fine. We seem to have eliminated the most pressing threat. It certainly seems that whoever placed this here intended for it to be well guarded. I wonder why…” The elder trailed off, seeming absorbed in the artifact.

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