{ 5. 17. 19 )

5: Were you nervous about putting your OC out there? How long did it take before you decided to play your OC here on Tumblr.

I was a bit initially, though it was mostly because I had no idea of what I was doing. I wrote plenty of stories beforehand, though they were more for myself to read. Really I got more nervous when people actually started following me, but by now the only times I really get nervous is when I’m unsure about my writing (minimal) or when I’m rping with a new person. Most of the time I’m excited or flustered over my rp partners bc hot damn them writes/muses good shit 👌👀👌👀👌👀

J’hasi being on here is entirely this lassie’s fault right here. I would’ve never found the Shipyard or met any of the lovely people here if not for her tbh. I’m not super adventurous online in terms of new sites. It took me however long before I remembered to actually make an account and I actually had the time for it.

17: Do they have any guilty pleasures? They embarrassed about them? Do they flaunt them?

Smooches, hand-holding, hugging, basically any sort of platonic intimacy. He gets embarrassed about smooches regardless of the amount (or lack) of people around, and hand-holding he doesn’t really get embarrassed unless he’s shamed for it. He never mentions any desires for smooches (least not since Maarzi), so no I’d say he doesn’t flaunt it.

19: Have they ever been injured? Sick? How do they deal with it?

Yes, and yes. Minor injuries he’ll be pretty indifferent to, only reacting to them if he accidentally bumps ‘em or something to bring the pain back to the forefront, though it’s usually just a wince or a hiss. Major injuries he’ll get really crabby and defensive, snapping at anyone who irritates him. He’s usually just a grouch until he heals up. Illnesses of any sort more severe than the sniffles he’s grouchy as hell.

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