
“Hey, what’re you—ow! Hey!” Thavrin squirmed and tried in vain to get the little cub off of him. He glared down at the child as he struggled to maintain his balance.

What are you even saying?! C’mon!”

The squirming only prompted Marsh to dig his claws in more securely, not liking the feeling of hanging there by flimsy cloth. Despite that being his own doing, his fangs were bared in a hiss before he suddenly let go, letting himself fall to the ground. He landed awkwardly before darting for the stranger’s legs, biting with sharp needle teeth at the vulnerable flesh just above the back of the knee, claws digging in as his fur puffed up all over. A yowl started to grow louder in the back of the Khajiit’s throat, tail swishing sharply behind him.

He’d bring them down if they were going to be so mean about it. He’d get to touch the face-feathers AND show them! Show them what, he wasn’t too sure on the details yet. But he’d show them good.

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