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4E 10, Black Marsh

After all these years, who knew that I would run into Jeer-rah again? Granted, it could’ve been under better circumstances, but they recognized me before we killed each other at least. It turned out they had joined up with some other members of different tribes to drive back some Dunmer that had attacked our tribe in retaliation for another tribe attacking their settlement. Apparently the village I had visited and defended was housing them, ignorant of what the marauders had done to their neighbors.

I thought the war had been over once Oblivion was sealed away, but it seemed that the Hist had other plans in mind once it knew of the Dunmer’s weakened state.

That…doesn’t matter right now though. Jeer and I talked for a long time, telling me all that happened after I was taken. Sees hadn’t taken the news well, and had been one those who supported the raids on the slaver camps near the borders. They asked me to come back to the tribe and see everyone again, maybe even stay for a while. I could tell they missed me, but I also could tell they were too happy to see me, desperate for me to stick around, that they didn’t see how much I’ve changed. I didn’t want the tribe to see me how I am now. Of course, that’s when Sees showed up and…

I’m not ashamed to say that I cried a little. I had missed them for so long, and to finally see them again… I could tell they knew how I was different, but still held me like I was a hatchling, five years again and so happy to see them. ‘My little one, my little Ei’ they called me. That’s when I started crying. Jeer was smart enough to keep quiet for that part at least.

Sees had asked Jeer to leave us be for a bit and asked me questions about what happened to me, where I had been, what had I been doing. They seemed grave at first, concern in those old yellow eyes of theirs, but by the end of it, they had smiled and thanked me for keeping strong, keeping alive. They told me they knew something was different about me, how the Hist had told them to save me. (The fact that I was nearly eaten by those I came to know as family was shocking and more than a little alarming, but not unsurprising, given the circumstances.)

They told me that I was welcome to stay if I wished, but also seemed to know that I was going to leave soon anyway. The mention of ‘that shadow over my soul’ bit made me sure that they knew exactly what was wrong with me.

Sees and I kept quiet for a while after that, hugging and letting me listen to their heartbeat like when I was a hatchling, while probably enjoying soaking up all my body heat in the process. Sees gave me their blessing and said that I was free to return if I wished once I felt the time was right before vanishing back into the swamps once more.

Jeer decided to camp with me tonight. They’re currently laying over me, dead asleep, as if afraid I’ll leave without saying goodbye. After how I acted today, I really don’t blame them.

But…it was nice, seeing my family again. My heart aches to leave them, but…I have something I have to do first. And even then, who knows how different I’ll be when I’m done.

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