“Even after all these years, I still wake up sometimes expecting to see you there, cooking up whatever happened to wander too close to camp and making some sort of smart comment about my appearance. Even though it makes my teeth ache just to think about it, I miss eating your cooking, so laden with sugar that I half expect it to be gritty in texture. I miss our sparring sessions, how half the time I end up in the dirt, and the other half I have you at spearpoint, only to be knocked down into it anyway when I turn my back. I miss your voice, I miss your scent, I miss your warmth… I miss you in nearly every way I know how…

“I wish I would’ve stopped wandering, just to…just to go with you back to Cyrodiil… Maybe it would’ve made this ache in my chest worse in the long run, but I would’ve had more memories to tide me over until gods or Daedra see fit to cut me down, stop the heart in my chest for good. If the Hist doesn’t take me, then…maybe wherever you’ve gone would be just as nice. It would be a comfort, knowing that you’re there to show me around another new place. Just as it’s a comfort knowing that you may be watching over me even now… Hopefully I don’t let you down before that time comes.”

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