❞ [People always seem confused about what this symbol’s asking exactly, but gimme something J’hasi frequently says, or a quote from a book J’hasi likes! Or… answer it however you like really.]

“Kindness is not weakness. I’ll choke you with the same hand I fed you with.”

It was something Maarzi told him when he really needed it, AKA when he was being an idiot. It’s because of this (and the swift kick in the gut that followed) that he realized that shutting off his compassion and caring for others would not solve anything, nor strengthen him. He had resolved to no longer trust people, to never again have friends, not after he had been betrayed not just once, but twice. The second friend had been so important to him that he had never dreamed that things would’ve turned out the way they did, and he never wanted to risk that ever again.

It was only after that lovely little beatdown discussion that he allowed himself to care about people again. Maarzi told him that he had a big heart, and that big hearts hurt easily, but they would be hurt just as much if they were sealed away entirely. As such, it’s something J’hasi doesn’t always say, but it frequently comes to mind whenever he’s struck with doubt.

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