“Indeed I can,” she said, handing the scroll back with care. “You are in the Rift. The city, Riften, is not far from here.”

“The Rift?” J’hasi frowned, slipping the cord that fastened the scroll closed off and releasing the parchment to unroll in his hands. After a few moments of searching the smudged markings scrawled on its surface, his ears flattened, his eyes widening.

“How…?” he said, drifting off for a moment. “…Riften wouldn’t happen to sell maps better than this one?” he asked, lowering the worn map to look at the Breton. The ‘map’ appeared to be old parchment with scribbled mountains, rivers, and roads. The names were scrawled in an untidy script with ink splatters scattered over its yellowed surface. It clearly was an amateur job, and done rather hastily at that.

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